Chapter 7

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I opened my eyes as I heard knocked on my door. "Who is it?" I asked tiredly. "It's Mary, may I come in?" She asked through the door. "Yep!.." I said as I laid back on my bed tiredly. She opened my door and over walked to me. "You have to get up, today's a special day!" She said as she opened the curtains and let the light in. I covered my eyes with my arm. She pulled all the blankets off of me and gave me a stern look. "Up."
I whined as I sat up and hung my legs off the bed. She walked over to my closet and pulled out a red lengthy dress with black ribbon all around the arms with our kingdoms symbols on the thigh.
She ever so carefully placed it on the bed and turned to me. "Go take a shower, I'll take care of everything." She told me. "Uh ok?" I said as I got up and went to the bathroom. I turned on the water and stripped myself of clothing.

I turned off the warm water and grabbed a towel to dry myself off. I looked up and saw the dress on a shelf. I picked it up and put it on. it was quite modest for a dress but still looked good on me. I walked over to the sink and brushed my teeth.
I walked out of the bathroom where I saw Mary and lust. Lust quickly put a long thing of fabric over me that resembled a burqa. They pushed me down the hallway to the room from before. They took off the fabric on me and sat me in a chair. They put makeup on me for a while before making me stand again.

They put me in the mirror room again and added small details. Mary left for a bit but came back with a meat bun. She shoved it in my mouth and made me eat. It was a really good fucking meat bun but damn aggressive much.
Lust stood up and looked at me up and down. "Spin." They instructed me. I spun around with my arms in the air. The dress had a nice swirl to it. "Beautiful, baby doll!" Lust clapped as Mary stood by also clapping her hands lightly. "Do you know how to wear heels?" Lust asked. "Not really," I said honestly. "Ok! I'll take you to the practice room!" Lust said happily as he quickly went over and grabbed the long fabric again. They pushed me back out into the hallway and made me walk with them down it. I could see horror walking down the hallway across from us like a zombie with a few maids following him frantically. He looked at me sharply before looking back in front of him. They pulled me in a room that had white wallpaper light and gold on the trim. There was a long table in the middle of the room but there was still lots of space. "Mary," Lust said with a snap of his fingers. Mary quickly ran out the door as Lust made me take off the fabric. He pushed me in the chair as Mary came in with some black heels with our kingdoms symbol on the side as well and a piece red  see-through fabric.  Mary came over to me before lifting my feet up and putting on the heels. Lust walked over to the door and locked it with a key. Lust went over to a spare room and came out with a gray gown. "Arms up!" Lust said as he took off my dress and quickly put the gown on me. "Ok, we are going to teach you how to be royalty!" Lust told me. He grabbed my hands and pulled me up. I trembled a little on my feet but steadied myself. Mary came to my side as Lust let me go and took a few steps back. "Try to walk to me, like a baby." Lust said.
I groaned as I looked at Lust. I took a few steps before falling forward but Mary caught me.
But what i didn't realized was that Mary put her arm out and it got caught on my soul, sending unbearable waves of pain though my whole body. I let out a choked gasp of pain as it hit me but when it set in I let out a scream of agony while trying to get Mary's arm off my soul. Lust ran over and quickly pushed Mary off of me and held me by my arm so I didn't fall. I let out pained gasps as I tried to push Lust off me and shield my soul. Lust let my arm go and pick me up quickly as we heard banging on the door. Lust ran over to the corner of the room and covered me with a table cloth as Mary went over to the door. Lust covered my body and face as Mary unlocked the door. I heard Lust trying to comfort me through the cloth as I curled up into a ball while still covering my soul with my hands. "Where is he!" I heard a shout from across the room. I let out a small whimpered as my body started tremble. I heard hurried footsteps coming towards me. "Master cross, you can't see him!" I heard Mary say grabbing onto cross. "Get off me, maid." Cross said threateningly. Mary squeaked before letting him go. He walked over to us and pushed Lust away from me before lifting me up a little by my upper body. "What's wrong dear?" He asked me softly through the cloth. "M-my soul.." I said in pained breaths. I felt him tense up but stay composed. "May I see?" He asked gently. I shook my head 'no' at the request. "Baby I need to see it." He said but more sternly. "I can't help if I can't see what's wrong."
He let out a sigh before speaking again. "It's ok if I see you because I'm only a guard trying to help." He mumbled as he slowly took off the cloth. I held my soul closer to me, still shielding it. I sniffled a little as he gently moved my hands from soul. "Is this your soul?.." he asked shocked. I nodded as tears perked on the edge of my sockets  as my soul was still acting up. "Oh fuck... Uh ok, I'm going to get nightmare you fix your soul, I'll be back soon." Cross said as he gently placed me down and ran out the room.
Lust came over to me and held me gently as he rubbed my cheek with his thumb and whispered comforting words to me. He looked at me with a pity as I broke down sobbing as the pain got worse. "Make gah i-it sto-op!" I chocked out. "Shh it will stop soon, hon, it's ok.." Lust whispered gently and held me in a comforting way.
After a few minutes cross and nightmare came rushing in and ran to me. Lust moved away from me as nightmare came over. He came to my side with cross and held me with one arm. "How interesting.." Nightmare muttered. He looked at my soul for a few seconds, admiring it before snapping out of it. He turned to cross and whispered in his 'ear'. Cross looked down at me unsure before letting out a sigh. He went on the other side of me and held down. And before I could process what was happening, Nightmare grabbed my soul with his tentacle and started shaping it. I let out a blood curdling scream as pain much worse ripped through my body. "STOP PLEASE STOP I BEG YOU!!!" I begged as my body trembled.
After a minute of me screaming in pain and agony while being held down. I just stopped. I was still in excruciating pain but I just didn't care. Nightmare let go of my soul as cross looked panicked and checked my pulse. "How fascinating.." Nightmare mumbled in amazement as he looked down at me. "Sir, what happened!?" Cross asked Nightmare frantically. "Calm down, cross, but I can't feel his emotions," Nightmare said. Almost in shocked from what he was saying. "What? But how?" Cross asked bewildered. "You're a guardian of emotions??"
"I don't know what is going on but it probably from his soul being mixed and shaped with my Magic," Nightmare guessed. "But I can't even tell if he's conscious or not,"
I slowly looked up at him and slowly moved my hand to be on his chest. I gently squeeze his shirt, telling him I'm awake. "I guess that answers my question,"
Nightmare said as he gentle took my hand and squeezed it. "We'll let him rest for a bit before getting him ready again." He put the fabric on me before picking me up and taking me back to my room. He placed me on the bed and took off the fabric and made me lay down. "Rest well." He said before walking out the room and shutting the door. I slowly closed my eyes and fell asleep..


I'm back!! (^∇^)
I hope you liked this chapter.
I went back and edited as much as I could in the last chapters.

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