
709 19 14

Name: Casey

Casey stood in the kitchen feeding her 1 year old baby "can u just eat a little bit more for momma" casey pleaded "no I want daddy" the baby turned her head to the side "daddy is still sleeping so stop yelling" casey whispered "ok" the baby said "u have a little let just eat it" casey almost caught a fit

"daddy daddy" the baby said yelling casey then felt a pair of lips on her neck she started smiling "good morning my love" edot said kissing her neck "good morning baby" she then turned to kiss his lips "daddy" the baby cheered "hey my baby" he smiled and picked her up and giving her a kiss on the cheek

"can u tell ya baby to finish her food" Casey hands the bowl edot he then sat her on the counter "open ya mouth for daddy" he smiled the baby then opened her mouth and eat the last of it "wow good job mami" he picked her up spinning her around

"baby don't do that she just eat" Casey said "man she chattin she don't want to see us win" edot said to the laughing baby "Elijah stop before she throw up on u" just as Casey said that the baby threw up all on his shirt he then turned to Casey well she was dying of laughter "it's funny" edot said "yea I told to stop" she said still laughing "oops" the baby said "well looks like u got u two messes to clean up" she patted him on the back then walking away

She then snapped out of her thoughts when her baby called her name "momma where did daddy go I want daddy" her daughter cried "we will see some day mami here put the candle right here" she gives her the candle to put on his grave then give her a purple balloons "we love u dotty" her and the baby yelled out letting the balloons go "mommy are u crying" "no baby these are happy tears" she slightly laughed "it's cold" the baby said dramatically started shaking "alr come on before u catch a cold" she picked her up then got in the car

I almost cried at the end but long live dotty💜😭

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