Stepdad prt.2|lil durk

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It has been 10 minutes since she started running from the 3 man she can't think or feel nothing while she ran she only could hear her fast heart going a thousand miles in second

"why me why is it always fucking me" she thought she noticed that 3 man wasn't behind her anymore but she kept running for a good 5 more minutes then stopped

she looked up at the sky seeing it was getting dark and found herself in a part of town she didn't know it was cold asf out she tried to pull down her white dress as much as she could walked the path she ran and saw nun but drug dealers and 3 niggas that looked like ones who was chasing her

"aye foe if u see a girl with a white dress on and red dread locs let us know" one said before walking away she creeped behind they quietly trying to slip into one of there pockets for a phone but failed

"fuck" mumbled they walked back to the black car and sped off her leges was to tired to keep going so she laid in a corner behind a old car


"I DONT WHO CHASED HER U ACTING LIKE I DID SUM" durk yelled at his gf "SHIT MAYBE YOU DID" she yelled durk stared at her "get out my face" durk said turning around to sat down by Von

"or what nigga" she pushed the back of his head he pushed her back "aye yall chill" Von and Asian held him back from her "this not gon help us find this baby" asian looked at durk and the gf durk push passed Von and Asain to sit down

"we done knocked down ever opp door that we know or where we think she could be" durk rubbed his face "u know anybody who wants to hurt her or yall" asian asked "no asain I don't she go to school and come home that's it" the girl explains

everybody could see the lie on her face "if it's sum that we need to know tell us u play with ur chil life right now" durk said "durk I said it's nothing" he got up and walked up to nani room started to trash it looking for anything

that had to with today he then found her backup phone it was fully charged he come back down stairs asked "open the phone" "idk the code" "stop playing yes do" "i swear" Von then snatched the phone and typed the code 27,30,26 it was his durk and Asian age "she told me it just in case"

durk grabbed the phone out his hand and started going through messages a contract named gdk for some reason he clicked on it and seen messages of him threatening to kill her and make her suc his dic while his gang watch

the messages goes on for days "so u fuck with opps" he looked up from the phone she felt the stares "who is gdk" asian asked " ion but it one of them niggas ik it" durk checked the time 1:00 am "

listen muwop and resse yall take the back just in case Von me and u gon be at the gate while the rest of yall ride around make sure to check every part and y'all two stay here" everybody agued and left to there spot


She woke up after falling asleep in the corner and cold asf she got up and started trying ding her way back on the path and walked past the 3 niggas she realized but kept they came around the corner running after her

"hear we again" she started running binning every corner she could but the last turn was a dead end only one boy that kept up with her she was backed up into the brick wall he then started punching her in the face repeatedly and kicking her in the stomach

"fuck" she yelled holing her rib he stumped on her left leg and the same ribs she was holding he then got to her level try to pull her dress up she realized what he was finna do she kept kicking him and knocked the gun out his jacket pocket

he looked down so she took the chance to kick him dead in his face she crawled over to the gun and as she turned over he walked up on her making her shot him twice in the stomach and arm

bleed splattered
all over her face and dress he fell on her and she slowly pushed him off her she stared at him before get up still got the gun in her hand running out of the path way in pain and holding her rib subbing hoping at some minute she sees parkway


Durk and Von was giving up hope thinking they might have to go to the feds about it "durk I think we need to get some sleep" Von suggested durk nodded and walked in the gate but they hear running from a far

"fuck" he heard the curse for her mouth the two boy walked back out the gate to see a short girl with red dreadlocks running "nani" he yelled out the girl she stop to check is who it was he watched as the girl pushed herself to keep running

she finally made it to him and fall in his arms with her dress that was drenched in that boy bleed and somewhat hers some on her face from the punches he threw while he held her

Von called everyone to let them know she was home they quickly get here "I'm sorry durk I didn't mean nothing I said" she cried "it's alr folks we gon get chu right" durk said taking the gun out her hand von stood there trying to hold back tears "I didn't what to but I had to" she cried more "it's ok ma" durk kissed her forehead


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