Physical touch|Caleb McLaughlin

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Y'all know I had to do mr.take her home to my granny😩

Caleb just got done shooting a episode for stranger things when he got a call from his friend Alex "yo Alex" he said getting in the car "how u doin" Alex asked "good just got done filmin I haven't talked to u in a minute"

"that's why I called u me and the guys finna have a movie night at the house u trying to come" "yeah im down the street from u" "alright the gate will be open" Caleb shock his head and hung up

Alex house
Caleb parked his car and walked through the gate "Caleb" Alex and his friends greeted him "so what we doing" Caleb asked "got out and watch a movie I guess" alex said "niggas never plan right" Caleb said walking into the house he walked into the kitchen

"hey E" he smiled "hey C" essence replied she other brother mat came in the kitchen and started hugging her for the side he knew she doesn't like to be touched or hugged but he did it even way "nigga get off me" she tried to move him off her he just laughed I guess he injoyed making her uncomfortable

caleb tried to mind his business but she said stop so stop he didn't like mat for some reason they never got along "she said move" Caleb said "nigga this my sister I can touch her if I want" mat said letting her go "man whatever" Caleb just went back to finding something to eat

"um I'm about to cook food if that's what u looking for" E said "oh ok" he smiled they both were sure they liked each other but to shy to say it "what chu doing" he stood beside her as she did work on her laptop

"science shit is stressin me out" she said throwing her head back on his stomach then locking eyes smiling "let me see" he then got close to the laptop and pretty close to her face but she didn't move one bit it like she wanted he to touch her

he was looking at the question when he felt her eyes on him he turned his head to her their lips inches away from each other "how come I can get this close to u but not him" Caleb said "only people I like can get this close" she flirted

they heard the back door open and quickly went back to looking at the laptop "the answer is c" he played it off "thank u c" she smiled "E we finna go get the groceries u need something else" "yeah some dic" she joked

"ok I- pause" he realized what she said making a face E and Caleb just laughed "can u take him with u" she point to where mat was at "yeah why" Alex asked "just take him I don't feel like starting a fight" she said

fixing her glasses Alex looks at caleb "I'll tell u in the car" caleb  they all got in the car but mat didn't go caleb sat in the passenger seat think what would happen if they left the house but he knows mat not the dumb but he still over thunk it

"do u ever hug E or have any of u" Caleb asked  "yeah sometimes but I usually ask first" Alex said along with their friends agreeing "cause she says she doesn't like hug people" Caleb said "yeah she's been like that since we was kids" Alex said Caleb just nodded

E was setting in the living room watching tv when mat came in she knew by the look on his face he was at to start with her she then tried to get up but he pulled her back down in a hug "mat move please"  she said nicely

"I can't touch chu I'm yo brother" he said hugging her tightly "ok I got that but I don't want u to touch me so don't" she said trying to get out of his grip she felt a sense of anger and pain in her chest she wasn't the type to go off on people but she wasn't having it today she broke from his grip and started yelling and crying at him

Alex and caleb and their friends was pulling back up in the yard when they saw Alex's parents car "oh I thought the wasn't gon be home till later" Alex said parking the car they all got out and heard screaming from inside the house Caleb immediately know who it was

he and his friends walked in the living to essence being held back from mat while she screamed and yelled from her dad to let her go "what's going on" alex said "idk she just flipped on me" mat was obviously lying

Caleb stood there trying to hold his anger in but as soon as mat tried to say something to him he pushed him to the wall but was pulled off by alex "yo Caleb chill" alex said pulling him away from mat "what happened" alex asked E but she was to busy trying to tell her dad to let her go

"dad just let her go she's not going to stop until u let her go" said Alex her dad slowly let her go and ran to Caleb for a hug and him hugging

"we need u to calm we can't understand u" caleb said to her she then took a deep breath and faced where her mom and dad was standing "I have been telling him matter fact all of u that I don't being touched over and over again and y'all continue to do it" she said to crying again

"he keeps doing it I especially don't want him touching me he does to much he always got to be weird with it" she continued to explain
"I don't like it and never did so stop trying to force physical touch on me y'all are just making it worse" she said

thinking her parents understood "but u let alex and Caleb touch and hug u" her mom said "yeah cause they ask before hugging or touching me unlike y'all" she said fixing her hair she was no just mad nobody expect for two people respect her wishes

He could tell by her body language that she was finna do something unforgettable "Alex I think u might want to get her" one of thier friends said before for they knew it she had mat on the ground punching him repeatedly

"now u see how it feel to be touched with out consent" she said after throwing that last punch Caleb smiled at that she finna stood up for herself her dad aggressively yanked her arm Caleb just reacted in defense on her behalf

he push her dad arm off her "boy u better move" the dad said "or what" Caleb said back "Caleb stop" e said pushing he away from the man but her dad kept provoking him Alex know what his dad was doing cause he did it to him all the time

"dad why u keep provoking Caleb just leave him alone"  Alex said the dad tried to run up on Caleb but ended up hitting E instead that just set it off for everybody Caleb and Alex and their friend ran and on him her mom tried to argu with her but ended up fighting her

the neighbors heard the commotion and call the police  and they calmed everything down "I want her out of my house" her mom said with a pack of ice on her lip essence just laughed Alex and Caleb already had a place together but they were both to busy to move in it but still payed for it just in case

She walked off with telling a soul it was pretty cold out side so she was shaking like a lost dog she was no bout 30 minutes away from home with no phone she sat on a bench starting to cry about the hole why do they not care about my feelings she asked herself she heard a car stop in front of her and got up and walked away "wait E" she heard
He smiled while she ran to him for a hug "damn u cold" he said rubbing her arms she laughed they both got in the car "I'm not gon lie u fucked mat up" he said making her smile "yeah but I head still hurts from when he hit me" she said

showing him the bruise "u want me to fuck him up cause I'll do it right now" he joked "no Caleb that's enough for tonight I just need a shower" she touched his face "alright now" he said "what" she look at his eyes filled with innocence he just shuck his head

They got to the apartment and they both took a shower together she didn't understand why she let him be so affectionate with her but he was and she loved it the way he complimented her or just give her hug or anything he did in general

made her love him so she just let it happen and find her self in the love with him "come on" he said picking her up and laying her on the bed then laid right by her "caleb" she said "hmm" "do u think it's weird that I don't like people touching me"

she was now iches away from his face "no not at all ur not going to have the same connection or bond with everyone" Caleb replied "I like u" he smiled at her "I like u too E" she then kissed him then rolled on top him "eww" her brother Alex said opening the door they stop kissing and started laughing

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