Im sorry|kayflock

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"Kevin sit down before u fall pls" I yelled trying to feed my baby

while my son jumped on the couch I heard my 5 month old crying upstairs

"don't knock this over pls" I said walking away

"sit down now" I said walking over to Kevin

I ran up the stairs and picked her up

"it's ok mama" I said rocking her I heard a thudded in the living room and crying I ran down the steps seeing Kevin lip bleeding

"see I told u to sit down" I said picking him up I took him in the kitchen

baby food was all over the baby table and her I huffed

I wiped the blood off his mouth and made him on ice on it

"now sit ya ass down before u go to bed early" I said sitting him on the floor in the living room

"where tf is y'all daddy" I said picking up my phone

Kay been gone all day Ima really tired of not getting help

he's been working and at the studio for hours day in and day out

I literally moved from jersey my home to newyork for him

we've been together for 8 years now and thing are bad I not getting sleep

we are always arguing and I'm sick of it I've been talking to my momma about moving back in with her for help with my new born

take some stress off me it's now 6 pm still no call or text so I called cblu

"blu" I said


"where the fuck Kevin at" I said

"he said he was on the way back to  everything ok"

"no everything is not ok he finna without a family" I said before hanging up I cleaned up the baby food

"daddy" Kevin jumped up to Kay as he walked in the house

"wsp man" he said hugging him I ignored him and went to put my baby in the tub

I washed her and gave her a bottle letting her fall asleep on the couch along with my other baby who was sleep

"what happened to his lip" kay said

"tell ya daddy what happened" I said as I continued to wash dash's

"I fell off the couch"

"how u do that"

"jumping" he said

"that's what happens when u don't listen" he said kevin shook his head

"u sleeping in your bed or on the couch" I said

"couch please" I picked up his teddy bear and give it to him I turned on soft sounds

they all slowly fell asleep I walked upstairs and broke down crying

"ma what's wrong with u" Kay said

"u is what's wrong with me u and all this going to the studio and not coming home on time party like u don't got a fucking family at home" I yelled

"this is work may this is how u can live in this big ass house those hours is y'all the money is for y'all" he said

"that's all u care about Kevin money and fucking party's I never wanted to live in this big ass house I want u to be home and help me more" I said

he huffed "keep up this act u ain't gon have a family to come home to" i said trying to walk out the room he aggressively grabbed my arm

"u aint taking nothing from me tf is wrong with u"

"nigga get off me u making it hard for u and harder for me"

"u still upset about" he started to brang up the fact i had a miscarriage a week ago due to stress and i went quiet

"Kevin get the out my face" she said

"is that what's wrong u missed carried and u taking it out on me" she wanted to slap him

"yes I am your the reason I hate that u can't take part in this"

"not this shit again"

"yes this again ain't know tell if u coming home or not u don't call u and text I'm scared one day ima get a call that I never want to get your kids miss u Kevin" she said

he sucked his teeth and walked downstairs "

where u going" I said walking after him


"Kevin u walk out this door u ain't gon have shit to come back to" he walked out

I ran to my room and called my mom "momma" I cried

"yes baby what's wrong" she said

"I'm ready to come home" I said wiping my face

"ok I'll get your room ready" she said "I'll see u in the bit I said

"ok I love y'all" she said

"I love u too ma" I hung up I stood there for a minute but said fuck it and brought 4 tickets to jersey that a 9 hour flight with 3 kids

Ima have to show him that I'm fr I picked several bags made two bottles and put everything in the trunk of my car I shook my son awake

"daddy home" my son said as he sat up

"no baby but I have a surprise"

"what" "u want to go see grandma" I said he smiled and hopped up

"ok go pee and put your shoes on" I said he ran up stairs I put clothes on my two girls and put them in the car

I made sure I had everything "come on Kevin" I said

he ran out the door "mommy can I sit in the front"

"no papa" I said he made a face and got in his car seat

t "u want to get on the plane or drive" I realized driving is only a hour drive

"drive I don't like planes" he said

I drove off I never thought I would do this put he pushed me there


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