Chapter 4: Words pierce more then a knife

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The village... Zack's house....10:46 PM


Zack awoke to a sound outside. A sound He'd never heard before...! It sounded like a monster....!!!

The ground started to shake as well, and the windows and doors swung around. Zach quickly got out of bed and ran towards his parents' room.

"MOM! DAD!" he screamed as he knocked frantically on their door.

William and Rose opened the door.

"WHAT'S HAPPENING?!?!" screamed Rose.


They all ran downstairs. Max was barking like crazy and was scratching Charles' door.

"GRANDPA!!!" Zach shouted as he open the door.

Zach, his grandpa, and Max ran outside with Zach's parents. The rest of the town's people were also outside, they all kneeled in PANIC and FEAR!

Then suddenly.... it stopped.

Everyone got up from the ground and looked around.... a couple of buildings had windows broken. Some hanging flower pots fell onto the ground and broke. Some lamp posts were also knocked down.

"Everyone remain calm," said the Headsman, Owen Di Bello, "It was just an Earthquake, we'll fix all this in the morning".

"It didn't seem like an Earthquake!" shouted a man in the crowd.

"Ya!" A woman agreed, "There was a strange sound before the ground started shaking!"

"Sounded like a roar!"

"It was like a MONSTER!!!"

"It sounded like it came from the Mountain!"

"It was probably a Draconics," said Zach's Grandpa.

Everyone stopped talking and looked at Zach's family. Devin and his mom were nearby... but once they heard grandpa speak they didn't take another step forward.

"Oh, Crap..." Zach thought

"Dad...!" William mumbled, "Stop it!"

"It's a creature that lives in the Northern Mountain," Charles continued, "They're a half human and half dragon".

"Enough dad!!!" William whispered and yelled.

"They were here first," he continued, "But to make things simple the best thing to do is not agitate them or they will turn you to stone".

Everyone in the village started laughing and pointing at the Gladsvils.... except the Headsman...

"William Gladsvil," The Headsman called out, "Is that your father?"

"Ye-yes sir," William stuttered.

"I suggest he watches what comes out of his mouth before he starts spitting out nonsense," he answered, "And as I was saying... it's nothing to worry about, I promise I will look into it to make sure it is safe. Now everyone please go back to your homes."

Everyone went back into their house. Devin and Willow went back to their house as well.

"Hey Bill!" shouted a man, a man that worked alongside William, "When is your father going to put on another performance?"

He laughed and walked away.

Zach looked at his father's face. He had never seen him as angry as he was right now.

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