New world

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Korra and Asami started walking until they stood right in front of the portal , they talking a vacation on th sprit world week and now time for going back home . They taking a step forward, Korra and Asami holding hands toghther and began to walk through the potral, werid thing that the portal is red

 They taking a step forward, Korra and Asami holding hands toghther and began to walk through the potral, werid thing that the portal is red

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When Korra went through the portal, she felt the same as when she was going from her world to the spiritual world, but this time, it was different; she was going from the spiritual world to a completely different world

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When Korra went through the portal, she felt the same as when she was going from her world to the spiritual world, but this time, it was different; she was going from the spiritual world to a completely different world.

When the light from the portal blocking her view faded, Korra felt she was stepping on something, something familiar. When she and Asami opened their eyes, they saw that they was in a  forest in the middle of the day.

 She could feel that this place was clearly different from hers. In her world she felt a great piritual energy running through everything, but there the energy was much less, as if that world and the spiritual world weren't as connected as he thought.

She started walking through the woods hoping to see something or someone who could help her get situated.

They were both unharmed and there was no immediate danger, so Korra sat back down on the grass, taking stock of her surroundings.

She and Asami had been deposited from who-knows-where onto a clearing at the side of a large mountain, surrounded by trees on all sides except for where a dirt path created two gaps in the forest. Mountains rose all around her, their bases carpeted by trees, and Korra suspected she was somewhere in the United Republic of Nations, probably the northeast, but she couldn't be sure.

Korra rubbed her eyes, not recognizing the sunlit scenery around her ,  she was standing on a grassy mountainside, somewhere in what looked a bit like. She had felt something... odd in the Tree, like a little crack, and when she reached out to examine it, it had pulled her and Asami inside and–

Asami! Korra looked around in a sudden panic and found the CEO lying on the grass, not far from where Korra had been herself. She rushed to the fallen girl's side; Asami was breathing, but still unconscious. They were both unharmed and there was no immediate danger, so Korra sat back down on the grass, taking stock of her surroundings.

She and Asami had been deposited from who-knows-where onto a clearing at the side of a large mountain, surrounded by trees on all sides except for where a dirt path created two gaps in the forest, their bases carpeted by trees, and Korra suspected she was somewhere in the United Republic of Nations, probably the northeast, but she couldn't be sure.

If she had been alone she would have just flipped out her glider and flown off, but Asami was still unconscious, and while Korra could easily carry the older girl on her glider, that required Asami to be holding on, which wasn't about to happen.

Asami stirred next to her, groaning as she rolled across the ground, snuggling up next to Korra as if they had just woken up from a pleasant nap. She opened her eyes slowly, squinting in the sunlight.

Asami asked : Korra?

 Asami looked up at the Avatar, blinking as her eyes adjusted to the bright daylight and her vision came into focus. Korra wrapped her arm around Asami and lifted her up to a sitting position, pulling the older girl next to her. : Weren't we should go back to our world now ?

Korra leaned back on her hands and looked around them : Yeah, about that . I don't think so

Asami gave a small chuckle : So I can see. But where are we then?

Korra : I'm not sure but I think we're somewhere in the United Republic, I think.

Asami squinted at the distant cone, her vision not quite cleared yet. "Are you sure? That's portal We enter is red .

Korra punched the air and a long burst of flame shot out from her hand, vanishing as quickly as it had appeared. They were physically here at least. If only their spirits had been here, she wouldn't be able to bend : That's a good question.

She felt a stirring in the back of her mind and closed her eyes. A calm, feminine voice that was not her own spoke from within her. : Korra. Be wary, something is not as it seems.

Asami asked, sensing her girlfriend's sudden concern : What's wrong?

Korra shook her head : It's Raava. She senses something wrong, but she doesn't know what.

Asami looked down at the grass, unsure of how to respond. Everything around them seemed peaceful, but when the ancient spirit of light was anxious, it was wise to stay alert. She rested her hand comfortingly on the Avatar's, eliciting a loving smile.

Korra : Come on, we can find some helped we want get out of the wood,

 Korra stood next to Asami and shed her dark parka, stuffing it into their pack, which had landed next to Asami. It was winter, but much too warm here for heavy winter clothing . Korra held out her glider. It would be much faster to fly than to walk, and by air, they could head straight to Republic City.

Korra shrugged. A walk with Asami was never a bad thing, and the staff could double as a walking stick : Okay then. I guess it's a nice day for a hike anyway. 

She reached out her hand to Asami : I can take the pack.

Asami straightened her backpack on her shoulders : I've got it. 

She looked up at the sun, judging the time by its position in the sky : We should get moving though. We'll want to be at the near village by nightfall.

Korra nodded her agreement and the two set off down the path. As time passed and the simple road wound its way through the mountains Korra silently hoped an airship would pass overhead so she could fly up and get them passage back to the city, but the skies remained stubbornly airship-free.

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