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Greene Family Farm, Rural Georgia

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Greene Family Farm, Rural Georgia

The vehicle arrive at the farm. They get out of the car.

Chet explained : Hey, Shawn … I'm a' run on home. My mama's gonna be in a snit.

Shawn reply : No sweat, man. I'll catch you tomorrow night.

Chet turned towards them and said : It was nice to meet ya three.

Korra and Asami gave a smile and nodded, Clementine gave a little wave.

Chet walked away from the scene in the dark and never be see again Suddenly the front door opened.

An older man, probably Shawn's father said : Thank God you're ok.

An older man, probably Shawn's father said : Thank God you're ok

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Shawn said : I wouldn't have made it without Chet.

Shawn's father reply :Well, I'm glad you took him with you then.

The man noticed Korra, Asami and Clementine and remarked : You've brought a couple of guests.

Korra commented : Your boy saved our lives.

Old man said : Glad he could be of use to somebody. So it's just you , your friend and your daughter then.

Shawn answer : Oh, not her kids. They are just some people and they come far away land found her alone

Old Man asked : Honey, do you know these people?

Clementine reply :... Yes.

Korra introduce : I'm Korra ,this is Asami and that's Clementine.

He introduced : Well it's nice to meet you Korra, Asami and Clementine. My name's Hershel Greene. 

Shawn  standing next to his dad

Shawn: Hey dad. First thing in morning . I think we should reinforce the fence around the farm.

Hershel reply : That doesn't seem necessary.

Shawn said : Look, I don't know you have been watching from TV or  listening about from the radio but there is some serious... Shit about to hitting the fan and I don't think anyone knows how big this is.

Asami: Your son is right.

Hershel said : Stuff doesn't happen around here Shawn.

Shawn: Dad, I'm serious! Korra, Asami, come on! Tell him what you guy saw out there

Korra answer : Well, when we arrived here, some couple of dead people showed up tried to killed me and Asami but we managed to get away from them.

Hershel said : Well, do what you think you should. We've got plenty of chores as it is.

Shawn said : Korra , Asami and those folks in the barn can help us out in the morning. We gotta to do it, really.

Hershel reply : I already said ok.

Shawn gets back in the house.

Hershel: There are blankets and such in the barn. We'll be seeing you bright and early.

Korra reply : Better than nothing I suppose. Thanks.

Hershel nodded before turning around and heading back inside, his son following right behind him. Taking their leave

Korra : Ok then. Let's go ladies

Korra, Asami , Clementine walking toward the Barn

Asami asked : Do we really have to sleep in the "barn" thing ?

Korra said : Come on, Asami. Be thankful that they aren't going to do something to us.

Korra , Asami and Clementine walked over to the barn. Near the entrance was a pair of rolled up sleeping bags. Korra laid out one for Clementine and Asami before take out sleeping bag  and laying it out next to Clementine and Asami .

Korra , Asami and Clementine are in the barn. They are in their "beds" and about to sleeping.

Clementine said : It smells like...

Korra answer : Manure.

Clementine asked : Manure?

Asami answer : Like some animal or creature they ... You know ...

Clementine answer : Oh okay

Clementine said :... I miss my mom and dad.

Korra reply :... Yeah I know Clem. I miss my parents too. I hope they doing alright

Clementine asked :... How far is Savannah?

Korra answer : Well, I'm not good at Geography so I don't know but I think is it's pretty far somewhere

Clementine: Oh, ok.

Clementine and Asami falls asleep

With another yawn, Korra she closed her eyes and let sleep take over.

To Be Continued.

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