Dead walking

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Korra and Asami walking in the Forrest then they hear a loud scream . It was a loud and very pained scream ... and it was coming from somewhere nearby.

Korra : You just hear that ?

Asami : Yeah .... Almost sound like someone is in trouble . I think he or she needed our helped

Korra and Asami struggled to walk as fast as possible as quietly as possible to the source, but that was easier said than done. They normally would avoid screams while they was unarmed and injured but they needed information and someone else needed help.

Korra looked in shocked and Asami almost screamed out when she saw it.

A man, in some kind of uniform, was over another man ... feasting on his flesh.

The cannibal himself didn't look that good. Something had taken a few bites out of him, and it appeared that something had broken his lower back.

The man was having dinner right next what appeared to be a ... car? The thing was a total wreck, flipped on its side.

They thought : What the ... a car. What kind of car is that ? Are Asami /I not the only one creating a car?

A few feet away from they laid something of even greater importance.

A staff.

They wouldn't recognized what it that so they decided to leaved it.

The cannibal was still oblivious to her presence and continued to munch away at his kill.

Korra ( whisper) : Walked back slowly and be quiet

Asami ( whisper) : Okay

They slowly walked few feet away from the cannibal, ...

That's when a Korra stepped on of the tree's branch

Asami ( Whisper ) : Korra!!!

Korra : Uh Oh

The cannibal turned and started to emit this awful noise as it crawled towards they .

Korra used movement both of her hands and summond some Earth and sent fly toward The cannibal

Korra used movement both of her hands and summond some Earth and sent fly toward The cannibal

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The round caused his head to burst like a ripe tomato.

Korra and Asami tried their best not to vomit at this scene


Korra and Asami hear something , they looked all around them to discover even more of those ... things coming out of the woodwork.

There were too many of them . Korra and Asami know they can't handle them like this

Asami : Let go Korra , too much for us to handle

Korra : Right!

Korra and Asami bolted to the left and they ran. Apparently they went the right way as they also noticed the wooden gate of a house almost immediately.

However more of those deads keep appearance .

Asami Climb over the fence , Korra pulled herself up and threw herself as high as she could, and actually succeeded in getting a grip on the top of the fence. Using most of her strength, she was able to haul herself over just as those ... things ... reached her.

Korra almost landed Asami's body

Asami : Korra!

Korra : Sorry

The creatures started to bang on the wooden wall.

Korra and Asami sat absolutely still. Korra ready to used her Earthbending ,Airbending or Firebending . Asami ready to take out her weapon to combat

It appeared that they were going to start to try and knock down the wall when several shots were fired ... and the banging just stopped.

Korra and Asami knew better than to assume that someone had killed all of them, especially since she could hear their footsteps as they shambled away. They let go of the breath they had been holding.

Asami : Hello ?

Korra : Everyone ?

Asami : Korra .... What are those creature ? They almost like they are dead but walking

Korra : I'm not sure but We had to find out for ourselves

It appeared that Korra and Asami had wandered into someone's backyard. The Owners were probably hiding inside after the shots were fired. Or maybe when those creatures showed up.

Korra and Asami walked to the back door. It was a clear sliding glass door but as the lights were off it was hard to see.

Korra gave the door several knocks.

Korra yelled : Hello! Is anyone in there ? We need some help!

No answer.

The door itself wasn't locked so she slid it open.

Korra said forcefully but also carefully to make sure it didn't sound like a threat : We're coming in. Don't hurt us OK ?

Korra and Asami walked in the house and closed the door

Asami : We needed to be careful Korra , we don't know what is going to happened when we go in there

Korra : I will

To Be Continued.......

Legend of Korra x The Walking DeadWhere stories live. Discover now