Chapter 2

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a/n: omg excuse the nerdiness of this chapter

Lisa's eyebrows shoot up comically high on her forehead, unable to kickstart any reaction. She looks outside, their neighborhood is quiet and almost desolate.

Jennie, however, just stares at the kid.

"Really? Is this some kind of a prank?" Jennie asked when the silence just stretches out without any sign of anyone saying something.

"I swear." the girl shakes her head, shivering as a particularly strong breeze passes by.

"I would really love to be invited in first before I die here." the girl said, her tiny voice and lips quaking with each word. She's wearing a white thin shirt with an Olaf print, neon orange short shorts, and fluffy duck slippers.

"Why would we--" Lisa was about to say, because why the hell would they invite a stranger who claims to be their 'daughter' into their house? She wanna scoff at that.

But Jennie beat her to it. "No, no. Come inside." she gives a wide berth on the door, nudging Lisa to the side so the girl could pass through.

For one, Jennie made the decision in haste because the girl genuinely looks cold and really pale and maybe she's just imagining it but she looks like her in her 12-year-old photo from when she graduated middle school, except for the eye.

Prank or not, it's quite hard not to give the kid the benefit of the doubt despite the fact that it's an impossible one.

Kids? From the future? Did someone lose their mind?

"Thanks, Mom." the girl said when she steps inside the living room. Jennie closed the door behind her and was a bit startled by the name she was called.

"Don't-- do not call me that. We don't know you, but we're letting you in because you'd die from the cold outside if we don't." Jennie clarified before looking at Lisa. "You get a blanket."

"I-- No. You get the blanket. You let her inside."

"And let her freeze to death outside?"

Jennie saw the moment when Lisa decided she couldn't argue with that, sighing and resting her hands on either side of her hips. Lisa looked at the kid instead and pointed a finger at her, "This is not a nice joke. You're lucky we are not terrible homeowners."


When Lisa looked the girl in the eyes, she almost sees her Mom whom she also got her own ones from, just slightly smaller. And that forehead, she can not mistake it for the same one on her head.

Who's this girl? What kind of a sick prank is this?

And if this was a prank, Lisa would be able to tell where the cameras could be hiding. She has a course in film and production, and camera placements are surely included in the course's curriculum. But their street earlier was empty, and if there was a crew, how the hell could they cast someone who eerily looks like her?

Was there someone stalking them? A shiver runs down her spine. That's creepy.

She sat down on the other end of the couch, the other occupied by Jennie. There's a wide space between them, and maybe that's enough indication of their relationship to show the kid how ridiculous her idea is. Them? Having kids?


Lisa never even thought about the subject.

The kid sat on the bean bag in front of them wrapped by Lisa's thick comforter, smiling at them. She has a mug of hot chocolate too, her palms curled around it.

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