Chapter 6

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"Did you post the photo?"


Jennie is sitting on the couch when Lisa asked, hoping for a reaction. The woman's gaze was fixed on her phone as she scrolled through her social media feeds and so Lisa waits as she sat across from her, sinking into a cozy bean bag chair.

"I did," Jennie replied absentmindedly.

Lisa looked over at her own phone screen and stares at the photo of the two of them, arms intertwined and Nicki standing behind them, hugging their heads close together. She sighed, then noticed a comment from Jennie's best friend, Roseanne, who had written, "Jennieyah! You didn't tell me you've got a whole family now," accompanied by a laughing emoji. 

As they sat there in silence, Lisa couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness. Or maybe it was tiredness, Lisa doesn't really have the energy to analyze her feelings. It was already 12:10 AM and they had only arrived at the house three hours earlier from their trip. Nicki was now fast asleep in Jennie's room while the two of them had decided to at least organize their things first before leaving it to unpack for tomorrow (although it really was Lisa's idea and she had to convince a groaning and stomping Jennie or else she's gonna make put a total off limits on the bathtub).

Just then, Lisa noticed a new comment appear under Roseanne's comment. It was from Jennie's boyfriend (who Lisa knows is called Mike even though his username is michaelwhiteyang_1215) who had written, "???" which naturally made Lisa's chest tighten with anxiety as she read it. Why is she anxious anyway? Lisa doesn't know, but she takes a quick glance at Jennie before saying something.

"Your boyfriend commented."

To which the brunette immediately asked, "What did he say?" chuckling as she typed away on her phone.

Then Lisa saw a new comment appear under Mike's comment. "We should go there sometime," with a kissing emoji with Jennie's username before it.

And like the simple comment stomped on her chest, Lisa's heart sank. She almost chuckled at her ridiculousness, but did it mentally instead. What was she expecting? That Zanzibar and Cerf's gonna be their place? Of course Jennie's gonna bring her boyfriend there when they get the chance. 

So Lisa straightened her lips and stood up. "I think I'll go get some more sleep," she said, hoping to hide the disappointment in her voice. She doesn't have any reason to be disappointed in the first place.

Jennie looked at her quizzically, then shrugged. "Okay, rest well."

That made it for her.


Lisa attended her film-related class, but her mind was honestly far from the lecture. It was one of those classes she takes in the afternoon but they're really mostly in the evening, except today.

Then There Was The Three Of Them // JENLISADonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora