Chapter 7

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On Sunday, Roseanne finally paid a visit to Jennie, and as planned, she decided to reveal her secret to her friend. What was the matter anyway, she had no reason to hide it from her, knowing that everyone's memory of Nicki will be erased once she returns to her timeline. Jennie mustered the courage to tell Roseanne that she and Lisa, yes Roseanne, my very housemate, Lisa, are married in the future and that Nicki is their daughter who traveled back in time and no, not to visit them! She's here accidentally! 

Naturally, Roseanne's eyes widened as she looked at the girl, who bore an uncanny resemblance to both Jennie and Lisa. Nicki stared back at her, a strange smile on her lips. "Wow..." Roseanne uttered in disbelief. And that's not to include the So that was really a family trip?! You went to Zanzibar and-- nah, uh, and WITHOUT telling me?

"Crazy, right?" Nicki said, her voice laced with excitement.

"Oh yeah, it's pretty wild," Roseanne replied, still trying to wrap her head around the situation to which Nick laughed.

"But it's so cool that I get to see my moms when they were around my age," Nicki said, then backtracked, "Well, not really around my age but like way older! I'm only thirteen."

"I can't even imagine what that would be like," Roseanne said, shaking her head in amazement.

"It's been amazing so far, I even got to try some of their favorite foods from back then. Have you ever heard of something called a 'cronut'?"

Roseanne laughed. "Yes, I have. It's like a croissant and a donut had a baby, right?"

"Exactly!" Nicki replied, beaming. "It was so good. You have to try it sometime."

"I'll have to add it to my list," Roseanne said, chuckling as she adjusts her seat on the couch where she grabbed both the girl's jaws and examined her face. "But seriously, my god, Nicki, you look so much like both of them. It's kind of freaky. I joked about it when I saw your picture on Instagram without knowing you're actually their daughter!"

 As they began to talk, the conversation turned to Mellie, a girl in Nicki's Pre-Calculus class. Roseanne laughed for the nth time that day Jennie wonders if the girl ever feels her jaw and cheeks hurting. The woman teasingly said, "So there's not a single one of you who's straight!" 

Jennie listened to their banter, she had to laugh once in a while since she can't help it, but mostly it was to pretend she was in on the conversation while her mind wandered to Lisa. She couldn't help but feel a sense of longing for her, despite their earlier disagreement, or whatever the hell is happening between them. Lisa hadn't spoken to her all day, and Jennie felt a pang of sadness at the thought. She pushed the feeling aside, knowing that there was nothing she could do about it now.

For the next three days, however, Jennie didn't see Lisa at all. Every time she checked, Lisa was either at work or school. And on the rare occasions that she was at home, Jennie never seemed to catch a glimpse of her. It was as if Lisa was deliberately avoiding her. Sure, Jennie had heard her and Nicki talking a few times when she was inside her own room but every time she tried to catch a glimpse, the woman had already disappeared back into her room.

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