Chapter 4

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a/n: i'm gonna pretend i went to the concert and did not stay home and studied the whole night for my programming subject because i'm a student who's a broke ass btch >:(  

(happy birthday to the other half of this silly little ship!)

p.s. i'm gonna paste the link of the songs i listened to while writing, (you don't have to listen and just completely skip them!)

It's a Sunday.

Almost a week after Nicki's incident, the girl who is true to her word, mostly stayed home and is often found on the balcony reading a book using Lisa's Kindle. Jennie still remembered Nicki telling Lisa on a particularly cool, sunny morning how outdated her device is and Lisa getting defensive saying it was the latest model.

"You should remember you're not in your timeline," Lisa throws a pillow at Nicki while the kid was inspecting the tablet.

Jennie watches them from behind the island counter in their kitchen, the living room in plain view. She sips on her hot coffee, dressed up already for her class that day.

"You know, surprisingly, this did not survive in the future. I mean-- they still exist but only a few prefer them. Companies developed synthetic paper to produce books and everyone just loved the traditional ones so," Nicki shrugs and made herself comfortable on the bean bag.

"They even imitated the old smell in books by the way! Kindle just doesn't have that." Jennie hears Nicki tells Lisa when she turns her back from them to the sink and washes her cup.

Lisa grumbles and told the girl to give her back the tablet if she was just going to find fault with it.

[Song pasted]

That was how the day went that time, at least before Jennie left for school. She said a brief goodbye to Nicki and then informed Lisa she was going.

"Study well, Mom! See you later!"

"Yeah, stay safe."

Jennie hears the both of them say before she goes. She thinks it was a little weird, but she felt an inexplicable warmth inside her chest hearing those as she closed the door behind her. It felt so... private. Like it was something that was completely exclusive to her, that something she was gonna go back to because it was hers, and it was so so soft.

They were like that ''til they fell into this routine: Nicki borrows Lisa's kindle or watches the tv, or when Jennie bought a new iPad she lets the girl borrow her old one. She does it every morning whereas Lisa stays for a few hours before preparing to go to work while Jennie sips coffee as she reads a physical newspaper or watches the two girls sprawl silently in the living room doing their own things.

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