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• Asuka •

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• Asuka •

5:00 AM

Gosh. I didn't expect I'd get picked up this early. I had to shower while I was barely even awake.

"Are you ready to go, sir?" the driver ask "Yeah." I replied sounding very tired. I slept for less than 5 hours since I also had to pack up. I got in the car, hopefully I could sleep the whole ride.

I still don't get why my father enrolled me to a school where there are people with powers. I don't have powers myself. What if I don't get along with the students just because I'm a powerless guy? I sure hope I make it out alive of this place.

10:00 AM

"Sir, we're here." I woke up and yawned "How long was the drive?"
"About 5 hours." 5 hours? that's a long time.

The driver escorted me out of the car and wow. My father was indeed not lying when he said the school was big. It may even be bigger than big! It looked like it had about 7 floors! How would I even figure out my ways inside the school? It looked impossible for me. It also looked like some old vintage dark school. Like the ones you see on Pinterest! The school looked cool but I still wish I'd gone to a normal one instead.

The driver handed me my bags and someone seemed to be walking towards me.

"Hello! You must be Asuka light, yes?" This person seemed to be female. I nodded in response. "Great! I will be your guide around Sephtis high!" she had a bright smile on her face, and she also sounds so lively. "Oh my apologies! My name is Alin! Though you may call me "Ali" for short." she looked pretty nice "Nice meeting you Ali!" I said. "Let's get going shall we?" I nodded.


God. The place was also big inside! A bunch of lockers in the hallways but there didn't seem to be any people around. "No one really hangs around outside since It's a Sunday. It'll be wild tomorrow though!" I nervously laughed wild?! God I hope it's not as wild as I'm imagining.

"The building you're in depends on the kind of magic you have. But the students in this building all have different kinds of magic. This building isn't as lively as others. I guess I over exaggerated when I said it would be wild tomorrow!" thank god.

"This building is the all kind building. People mostly get stuck here since other buildings are full." I'm probably just here since I don't have any powers. "Most buildings have about 400 students or more in them! But this one has about 200 plus." two hundred?! four hundred?!

"Also, the buildings are mixed! For example, the Fire magic and Water magic students share a building. So if you ever decide to go there, expect a lot of commotion. But the amount of commotion there can't compare to the amount of fights there are in the Light magic and Dark magic building." she's certainly helping me learn a lot. "Don't go to the Light magic and Dark magic building, noted." she laughed "Good choice!" "What's your building?" I asked her. "I'm from the Ice magic building! Ice magic and Creative magic students share one building."
"Awe man. Does that mean I can't see you often?" she seemed like a good friend it'd be upsetting to not be in the same building as her. "Don't worry! You can go to other buildings. Just watch out for the Lust magic and Knife magic building. Students there are pretty dangerous."

"I see." Lust magic?! if I had magic that would definitely be the kind of magic I had. I'm not so innocent. "Do you want me to explain to you all types of magic while I show you around? You could also ask me questions while we walk." "Won't you be eating lunch?" I wouldn't want her to skip lunch just to show me around.

"It'll be fine for me! I'm still pretty full from breakfast. Though I don't think I'll be able to show you around all the buildings." "It's fine! This building is the only one I need to figure out." I replied "Alright! Let's go then."

6:00 PM

"That was a long tour... I'm tired from walking!" she giggled "Alright let's go to your dorm then. I hope you don't mind the fact that you will be having a roommate." a roommate? please be male! "It says here you're in dorm 169 on floor 7!" one hundred sixty nine huh? what a cool number. "Good thing we're on floor 7 already. And it also looks like your dorm is at the end of the hallway! The only thing you'll see in floor 7 are dorms or offices." she walked me to my door at the end of the hallway. "Here we are! Here are your keys. You and your roommate both have one." I nodded "Thanks a lot for the tour. That was the best one I've had and you're such a fun person to talk to Ali!" she smiled at me "Awe! Thanks Asuka. I Hope I see you around again tomorrow! Feel free to visit me. My dorm is at room 43 on the 3rd floor at the Ice building!" "I'll make sure I will." I said.

I waved her goodbye and she left. I was a little nervous to see who my roommate will be. I unlocked the door with the key and slowly opened the door. Huh. No one was there. I was confused but I thought that my roommate probably isn't here right now. I guess I'll just have to meet them on another day.

7:00 PM
Dorm 169/Floor 7/All kind building

I finally finished unpacking. And by the looks of it, my roommate is a male. But I wasn't sure of it yet. I hope they were though. Ali also said that someone might give me my uniform tomorrow.

While I had nothing to do I just thought of how I could possibly make friends here. Do the students here not like powerless people? After all, most students here are really rich. They all probably have black cards. I do come from a wealthy family but my parents don't spend money on me unless it's necessary. But I don't really care about that.

I should probably go to sleep. It's my first day of school tomorrow, I certainly hope I won't have a "your name" life. With that, I headed off to bed.

Asuka Light -Male/20Birthday: 05/11/2002

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Asuka Light -
Birthday: 05/11/2002

I Hope you all enjoyed the first chapter

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I Hope you all enjoyed the first chapter. Even though it sucked
please don't judge since It's my first time making a story 😞

SEPHTIS UNIVERSITY: The School for The Twisted. (BL HAREM) (18+)Where stories live. Discover now