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• Asuka •

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• Asuka •

Great. Now I was in the principals office because of that jerk face!

"Asuka Light. You've only been here for a week, am I right? So please tell me why you're already causing trouble." why's she blaming me!? I wasn't even the one who started it! Besides, I almost got killed by that asshole.

"You're lucky to not get expelled for such actions. But we'll still have to give you punishment." What about that jerk face!? He's not getting punishment?!

"Is that jer- Zuno, not receiving punishment?" I asked. I swear, if he dosen't get any sort of punishment, I'll give it to him myself! That sounded wrong didn't it?

"No. Why should he? he's the one who got injured." what?! he literally almost murdered me!

"He started it by throwing a ball on my face first!" I complained. "And he also almost killed me! and certainly you can't let that slide, am I right?"

"You shouldn't make up such stories, Asuka. Sir Zuno said that he has no clue of who you are." I will KILL that motherfucker! "You'll be spending the your weekend cleaning the Light magic building's hallways and classrooms until 8:00 PM." what kind of punishment is that?! and until 8 PM? I did nothing bad! that asshole deserved to get his nose broken.


Thank god there's no bell at weekends.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Please tell me I'm not the only one who falls out of my bed when it rings.

"Rise and Shine students! Today is a Saturday!"

They do that even on weekends? Seriously?

I could've spent my weekends with Ali and Kiro! but no. Instead I have to spend my weekends cleaning hallways and classrooms, all because that jerk face!


I was on my way to the Light magic building but I still had to go through the Dark magic building to get there. I was just walking down the hallways until I saw two familiar faces.

"Why hello! Asuka was it? we haven't seen you in awhile!" the twins. I actually forgot about them! "So, where is our fellow headed?"

"Oh well, I'm on my way to the Light magic building for some... errands!" I smiled. I didn't want them to know that I was gonna be a janitor for the weekend!

SEPHTIS UNIVERSITY: The School for The Twisted. (BL HAREM) (18+)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora