4 - Tʜᴇ Wᴏᴍᴀɴ Iɴ Tʜᴇ Wᴏᴏᴅs (Pᴀʀᴛ Oɴᴇ) ♫︎

776 17 25

AMBER WAS OUT lightly cleaning the pool in the morning, she volunteered to do it since Dewey asked and no one else would.

Once she finnished, she headed over to all the commotion at the noticeboard. "Woah, what's going on? Why's everyone screaming?" She asks. It was mainly Gina and Kourtney screaming, but she was still confused.

"Wow. I didn't even know your voices could reach that register." Ricky observed.

"Yeah, well, you haven't been to a Taylor Swift concert." Amber mentioned.

"Plug your ears, I'm about to join them." Carlos smiles as he pushes through them.

Ricky pushes through after him, "I can't believe I'm playing..." Carlos trails off with his smile fading.

"Olaf!" Ricky Smiles. "Congrats, bro." He congratulates, punching his chest.

"And I'm Kristoff. That's..." Carlos cuts him off, "A person."

His head turns around to face Ricky, "Congratulations on being an actual species, Ricky. What? First Lumiere and now Olaf? Am I destined to play an inanimate object for eternity?" He complains.

"Can't mess with destiny." Amber laughs.

"Make way for Belle." Ashlyn sings as she pushes through the crowd of people. "Make way for..." She leans down to read the paper. "The ensemble."

She looks at the paper in disappointment, "I mean, hey, the ensemble! You can't do a show without the ensemble. There are no small parts, only small actors, right?" She reassures everyone. But everyone knows she's really disappointed inside. "Don't count your lines, make the lines count." She laughs.

"All right, all right, everyone calm down. Let's just be professionals." Ej says as he now pushes through the crowd now.

"Professionally. Mazel tov. Especially Ej. Personally, I will be backlogged photos of him in antlers for all future possible blackmail purposes." Ashlyn jokes.

Everyone laughs, while Ej stands there confused. Laughing, but confused. "W-What are you talking about?"

"Your good friend Val cast you as Sven, the reindeer?" Carlos informed.

"No, no. Im not in the show. I directing the show." He chuckles nervously.

"Check the list. Looks like you'll be joining the ranks of character actor-directors." Carlos told.

Gina gasps, "Like Greta Gerwig." Kourtney smiles and points at Gina.

"No, this has to be a mistake." Ej insisted.

Everyone bursts into conversations of their own. Meanwhile Amber hasn't seen the cast list yet. Her head pokes around the gaps of people's heads. "Excuse me. Sorry," She apologises while pushes through people.











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