5 - Tʜᴇ Wᴏᴍᴀɴ Iɴ Tʜᴇ Wᴏᴏᴅs (Pᴀʀᴛ Tᴡᴏ) ♫︎

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AS AMBER, Ricky and Jet arrive at the campfire, Maddox is announcing something. "Welcome, folks, to your very first Newbie Initiation Campout Night!" Everyone then starts cheering and clapping.

"Now to kick off the night, let's give it up for our very own...Rocket Man!" Then Ej walks out of his tent with his acoustic guitar strapped on his back.

"Alright, everyone pay attention cause I don't have much time to waste tonight." He laughs a little awkwardly. "I'm gonna need a little help singing parts of this."

"Shake your money maker, Caswell!" Carlos shouts as him and Kourtney shake their shoulders. Amber and Maddox look at them and laugh quietly.

"Not helpful, Carlos." He looks at him as Carlos and Kourtney smile to eachother in approval.

"All right, here we go. This one is called the Ballad of Shallow Lake. And every. word. is true." He calls out as he pretends to be a ghost.

The owls hooting in the backround were paid actors.

Ej starts strumming the guitar,

"Gonna tell a story about Susan Fine
She lived 200 years ago
One night she heard a whistle
The spooky kind
The sound can make your blood run cold
They say she got swallowed by Shallow Lake"

At this, Gina started laughing.

"Never to be seen again
Til her ghost says
Come morning"

Ricky starts using Jet as a drum set with his twizzlers.

As the chorus came up, Amber and Maddox joined Ej.

She lost her soul
And she lost her mind
Don't get caught by Susie Fine"

"So pray you find your way back home
Oh, oh!"

She'll drink your blood
Like it's werewolf wine
You better run from Susie Fine"

Everyone starts cheering as the song ends, "Um, is that really a true story?" Kourtney asks nervously with her hand in the air.

"Oh the song is basically a documentary." Maddox replies quickly.

Kourtney chuckles nervously, "Quick follow-up..."

"I actually have alot of homework, but the amazing Maddox will explain it all." Ej laughs as he gets up to leave. Amber can't help but notice how upset Gina has looked this whole day.

Maddox laughs, "Let's see. Who here likes...ghost stories?" She asks, holding her flashlight under her face as everyone gets excited. Especially Ricky with both hands in the air.

"Then it's time for you all to hear the story of The Woman In The Woods."

"Camp Shallow Lake was founded a long, long time ago by a married couple, Mr. John Fine and Mrs. Susan Fine. Everybody loved Mrs. Fine. She was kind. Has a voice like an angel. And she had a sweet tooth, unmatched."

Amber took the time to take in Maddox. The moon shining down on her face, the little smirk she had while telling the story. You could see how much fun she was having through her eyes, even though she was scaring the shit out of some people. The way that she told the story was almost as if she had witnessed it herself.

Maddox had always been Amber's favourite storyteller. When they were kids, they used to stay up at night, sneak into one anothers bunk and read the books that they had brought that year to eachother. Amber thought that her dramatic personality was a good thing. She brought a story to life.

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