7 - Sᴇᴄʀᴇᴛs♫︎

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EJ AND GINA START SINGING "Love Is an Open Door", Ashlyn plays the piano

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EJ AND GINA START SINGING "Love Is an Open Door", Ashlyn plays the piano. Amber walks over to the chair Maddox is sitting on, and sits on the arm. Once they Finnish singing, Channing starts filming Ricky and Corbin. "They're pretty good, huh?" Corbin asks him.

"Yeah. She's amazing." He says, looking at her with his arms crossed, "A-And Ej is amazing, right?" He laughs, punching Corbin in the shoulder. He starts to raise his voice, "Everyone's amazing. Best cast ever! I mean..." He chuckles and walks out the canteen door.

Amber laughs, "Whew." She watches him walk away with his head down, through the windows. "Folks im gonna need some B-roll of people acting anxious and confused, all right?"

Channing starts filming everyone looking 'confused and anxious'. No offence, but they look ridiculous. Amber chuckles to herself, "I can't do this." She gets off the chair and walks out the canteen.

AMBER WALKS OVER TO this shelter type thing, and it has a piano in it

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AMBER WALKS OVER TO this shelter type thing, and it has a piano in it. It's quite old and some of the keys are probably out of tune, but what can you do?

She places her fingers on the keys, pressing them and making chords. As she starts singing, she gets lost in it.

As she stops, rustling was heard from outside, "Stop moving. She's gonna hear us!" Someone whisper-shouted, making it so obvious.

She sighs and rolls her eyes, getting off the stool and walking over to the door. She opens it and someone yelps, falling onto the floor at her feet. "Seriously, Richard?" She deadpans, grabbing him and lifting him off the floor. "Whoever just whisper-shouted there made your cover so obvious. Thank them." She says as she walks out of the cabin.

She turns around to face the group of people - which consisted of Ricky, Gina, Maddox, and Ashlyn — "Also, did you guys follow me here? That's kinda creepy, I can't lie." She was just kinda mad because now her secret spot has been discovered.

"Pfft. Wha- No. No, we just heard someone singing." Ashlyn replies, following Amber as she starts walking back to the barn. "Uh huh." She narrows her eyes at them, "I'm sure you did."

Maddox grabs Ambers hand from behind her and she comes to a stop as the rest of the group continue walking back to the barn without them. "Mads? Whats up?" Amber asks with a warm smile, her mood shifting quickly.

Maddox's blood rushes to her cheeks suddenly as she tries looking away from the girl opposite her, but it's become impossible. She hesitates a little before coming up with something on the spot, "Uh, um. I was just wondering if that song you were singing was original. It sounded really good."

Ambers face lights up as she continues to talk about how it is infact her own and how she came up with the idea. Maddox, in reality, just wanted an excuse to hold the curly-haired girl's hand.

As Maddox listens to Amber gush about random things that popped into her mind, she becomes captivated by the girl's overwhelming happiness. It warms her heart in the biggest way possible.

The feeling only becomes more evident, leaving her to stand there staring at the girl's face while Amber becomes worried for her best friend. "Mads? Are you listening?" She asks realising that Maddox had been staring at her without blinking for a while. "Are you okay? Is there snot hanging down my face or something?" She chuckles a bit.

Maddox looks at her, not keeping eye contact, "Y-yeah, sorry, i'm fine. Sorry, uh, let's just head back to the barn." She stammers as they start walking back, "What were you saying?"

Amber continues talking while Maddox tries keeping up with her and answering in short sentances. Eventually, they get back to the barn and everyone is either helping with the props, or going over their lines.

Since Amber didn't have any lines, she helps with painting the props and passing Maddox a few supplies she needed. Maddox was using a drill to put nails into a big bit of wood that was painted as houses.

"D'you need another nail?" Amber asks, looking up at Maddox. She lifts up her head, a bit startled, "Hm? Oh, yeah, thanks." Amber smiles at her and passes her a nail.

Amber sets the paintbrush in her hand down onto the grass, standing up and stretching a bit. "Do you need a bottle of water? Im gonna go get one for myself." She asks, huffing a little and wiping her forehead with the back of her hand.

"Oh, yeah that would be great, if you dont mind. I can come with you if you want." Maddox replies, looking at her with a small smile.

"Oh, no its fine. Plus, i think someone wants to talk to you." Amber adds, tilting her head towards Ashlyn. "See you, Mads."

- ☆ -

When Amber gets back, Maddox is gone and Ashlyn has taken her place. "Hey Ash. D'you happen to know where Maddox is?" Amber asks. Ashlyn looks up at her and nods, "Oh, yeah, she went to go find Val to help with movie night." She smirks at me, making me curious.

"What're you smiling at? What did Mads tell you? Are you guys friends now?" Amber asks, getting up really close to Ashlyns face. Ashlyn starts laughing, "Well someones eager to find out, isnt she?" She smirks. "Yes. Yes, she is. Now tell me!" Amber frowns, crossing her arms.

"Chill. I wouldn't say we're friends but... She's not bad... And calm it — she didnt say anything about you." Ashlyn says while Amber narrows her eyes, "I dont believe you. I swear, if she said something and you're not telling me... I'll get you back."

Ashlyn chuckles nervously, "I swore to her that i wouldn't tell you, Ams. I would tell you but i just- just stop talking about it or it'll slip out."

"Fine, i'll just go tell her that you told me what she said, and she'll tell me." I smile at her. She groans, "Fine then. I'm not telling you!" She shouts as i walk away to find Val and Maddox.

PUBLISHED 26/10/23im so lazy and i really dont like writing from the show,so sorry for not updating in months!!i've been working on another story thats in my drafts

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PUBLISHED 26/10/23
im so lazy and i really dont like writing from the show,
so sorry for not updating in months!!
i've been working on another story thats in my drafts...
hope you enjoy this chapter<3

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