30 - Run, Guy, Again

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Guy looked left and right at the sasatch equipped with spears, and Feli and Cani next to him. 'Ready?'

Cani stretched. 'I don't think I can be more ready after hunting these hirri during the last couple of days.'

Feli loosened her feet. 'I have to agree. I didn't think I'd become used to running around this quickly.'

Egra and Thekka were the sasatch in charge of the others, and gave a nod.

'All right.' said Guy and looked once more over the map before signalling to the sasatch to head out.

They split up into two groups and moved out to the left and right of the herd located in the stretch of forest between the settlement and the grass plains they stood on.

'Be careful, you two.' Guy said.

Cani grinned as she wrapped her arms around his neck. 'If I'm not, will you come with me to keep me safe?'

Guy chuckled. 'I doubt I could keep up with you. But don't make me have to nurse you back to health.'

She kissed him and giggled. 'I'll try, even though it's tempting just to have you take care of me.'

Feli shuffled with her foot and blushed. 'I make sure I won't be hurt anyway.'

Guy smiled and kissed her. 'I'm glad to hear that.'

She smiled quickly, then walked towards the herd. 'Come, Cani, we have a job to do.'

Cani sniggered and skipped after her. 'Yes, coming.'

They moved slowly to give the sasatch enough time to form two lines on either side and flank the herd, and halted when they caught sight of the nearest grazing hirri. They kept still until they were sure the animal hadn't noticed them. Cani took a deep breath and let it out. 'Ready to play the hound?'

Feli chuckled once. 'It doesn't lessen my feline dignity, so let's do this.'

They jogged towards the hirri with a little distance between them and enough noise for the animal to notice them. It looked back at once from grazing on a tree, saw the two by now familiar predators, and bolted while bleating its alert call.

Feli and Cani matched its speed and kept at a distance as they ran after it, and more bleats ahead of them revealed the whole herd was on the move. When it moved to the left, Thekka's group of hunters moved and made noise, and when it moved to the right, Egra's group chased them back.

The herd ran the way it was intended to until one stag bleated loud, turned back, and charged at Feli. 'Watch out!' she shouted when she dodged its head-on attack while the stag kept running.

Guy, who had followed his girls, gazed at the animal charging towards him with growing eyes. 'Oh shit.' he said as his adrenalin spiked at the sight of its large and painful looking antlers. He bolted at once.

The rest of the herd turned around and Cani grumbled. 'Run, Guy! We have to keep the herd in check!' she said and barked and growled to stop the animals from passing her while Feli hissed and roared at the hirri heading her way.

'Try going around and lead him back to the herd!' shouted Feli.

'I'll try!' Guy shouted with the stag breathing down his neck. 'If I'm not stabbed and trampled into the ground before that.'

He made a feint to the left, then took a sharp right around a very thick tree. The stag didn't fall for it though, and Guy double backed the other way around the tree.

They circled the tree several times before Guy saw an opening through the herd leading towards the corral behind the scattered herd, and dashed towards it, hoping the other hirri would distract the persistent animal from chasing him.

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