Chapter 1: The start

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Two babies were pushed out of their mothers womb as their mother was shocked to see..... Twins!! The doctor said that the baby was only one! But look at this other one! Twins! Their mother was relieved and happy to get two children. Knowing that their child would never be lonely because they have both of themselves.The two grew up being Sheila and Lara. The two Sun and Moon. They were happy to have each other's back and happy to get each other's love.


"Hey Lara let's play ball outside!" Sheila shouted getting in at Lara's room. "Sure! Why not?..." Lara said while wearing her PJs. Even tho she never wanted to play and wanted to read books all day, it feels like she just feels guilty to make her upset like the time when our new neighbors kid moved in and bullied her for being too childish. Isn't that kid 8 years old and still likes spiderman? Lara thought with a Chuckle. "Just give me a minute or two! I'm just going to finish this one chapter." Lara said eyes still on the pages of the book she was reading. " Hurry up! I'll get the ball and I'll be waiting in the backyard!" Sheila said getting out of the room and going to get the ball.

A few minutes later Lara got up after reading that one chapter. Just like she promised. She never wants to make Sheila being upset or sad so she will do anything just to see that innocence and that happiness in her face. As she changed into her clothes. She then went down and asked her mom "Mom do you know where Sheila is?" She asked. "She's at the backyard sweetie! She's waiting for you!" Her mother said sweetly. "Alright thanks mother! I'll be heading out now!" Lara said with a bit of cheerfulness in her voice to not show a sarcastic and annoyed expression.

As Lara went out she saw her sister playing and sitting on the grass of their backyard. She screamed "I'm here Sheila!! Let's play!!". "Oh yes sister! Here catch!" Sheila said throwing the ball into Lara's direction. Lara successfully catches the ball in her hands. 'wow I did not expect me to catch this ball with my hands .. I thought it would hit my face and Sheila would laugh at me... WAIT DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT THAT LARA!! SHEILA IS AN INNOCENT CHILD AND WOULD NEVER DO THAT!! While I'm a sarcastic bastard who needs to know everything even tho we were 5 years old ' Lara thought as she held the ball in her hands and threw it in the air so Sheila could catch it. Successfully, Sheila caught it and she was happy.

Lara loved seeing her sister in happiness in things she succeeded. It makes her think that she is finally growing up and having the mind of her own. Lara just sometimes likes being in her room in rainy days because of how satisfying it is. While Sheila likes to play outside and likes pink. Lara promised that she would protect her no matter what. Even if she has to die for her. Just to keep her innocence, she would do everything for her.

Sheila was happy to finally to play outside after days after days of raining. She finally gets to be outside. She was happy and happily threw the ball with her sister. Lara then suggested they'd play hide and seek. Sheila was of course happy and agreed. Lara was first it and counted to 100. Sheila hid under her princess bed snickering and giggling. "98!.. 99!.. 100!.." Lara shouted " Ready or not! Here I come!" Lara then started to find her all around their house. Sheila heard footsteps and stopped giggling. She was breathing quietly and covered her mouth with her hands. Lara then said "I guess she's not here! Where could she be??" Lara said quietly snickering and laughing 'what another way to trick her out of her hiding place!' Lara thought as Sheila got out and said "I'm right here dumbo!" She said giggling and laughing like a little princess.
"Looks like you've won Sheila! I guess I'm IT again! Gosh how are you so good at hiding?" Lara said. " I just hide! It's not that hard!" Sheila said still not stopping giggling. "Alright kids! Dinner time!" Their mom said. "Yes mother!!" Both children said running down the stairs using their cute little tiny soft feet.


Helixia: Adorable isn't it? Well spoilers that won't last long.

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