Chapter 4: Christmas Present

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As Christmas arrived, they got announced that they will have a school Christmas break for 3 weeks! Of course Sheila and Lara are happy they are able to stay home for 3 weeks! "Ooh it's December 20!! It's almost Christmas!!" Sheila shrieked in happiness knowing that there would be presents. Lara on the other hand is disappointed yet happy. Disappointed to not be able to taste those cheesy Mac and cheese and happy for being able to rest and read for awhile! "Yes I hope Santa bought us presents this Christmas!" Lara said making Sheila even more excited for Christmas.  "YEYYYYYYY" Sheila shouted in joyfulness as she leaped and hopped into her room grabbed a book and started reading. Lara did the same. But when has to go to the bathroom she noticed the Sheilas room did not change a bit. Having the shade of black mixed with pink Lara liked her theme but Lara's room DID not literally change. The same sage dark green and black onyx in her room. After that, She went downstairs to get a snack, but when she noticed there wasn't any food left in the fridge and cabinets anymore she went to grab money she raised from her job. " Sheila I'm going to buy groceries! Wanna come with me?" Lara asked as Sheila went down the stairs. "Of course I want to come with you! Let's go! I'll help you!" Sheila said. Lara nodded and silently thanking the Gods for making a sweet helpful sister.  As they were going a strange unexpected thing happened. A strange thing fell down and crashed into their car's roof. "What is it? Lara asked in confusion. But to their surprise a metal box was there. "Lara, it has our name in it! Can you open it? I'm scared!" Sheila said. "Alright.." Lara said while cautiously opening the metal box. What they've find is something they didint expect. A glowing orb and a dark orb. Then a letter on the bottom. Lara took it and read it out loud.

"Dear Lara and Sheila,

We the Gods giving you the opportunity to have powers. We see that you two represent the Sun and Moon. Sheila represents the Sun and Lara for the Moon. We sent you these because we believe that in your powers you might actually fuse and get a stronger power and defeat William and his followers. William is a dark angel and has now escaped the prisons and is now attempting to destroy the earth. You still have a year till he has finally and actually escape the prison. Please train yourselves we will bring you a demi- god that will help you train and to not miss the opportunity. If you succeed we will reward you guys by making a wish anytime and anywhere. For the orbs you will have to eat it. After eating it, you guys will glow as the powers are activated. Thank you please don't miss this.

Signed by the Gods"


After Lara stared at the letter In misbelief she then stared at Sheila who's eyes are on the orbs. Sheilas eye went to meet Lara's eye and asked "well should we take it?". "I guess so...
I mean like we will have to die to try and succeed but... It's the best we can do..." Lara sighed getting the black orb while Sheila gets the white one. They soon eats it and the thing that's supposed to happen did happen. They have powers now.


After they got groceries.  They went outside to test it when suddenly someone fell down the sky. It was the demi god that the Gods said they were gonna give. "Hello miss Lara and Miss Sheila. I am your personal trainer and I am your slave. I will do anything you've ask for but first we must start training. You can ask any questions about me or about someone." The boy said. "Oh uhm well what's your name?" Sheila asked In a soft voice. "I'm Relegus. I am 1,200 years old. I am a demi god and the youngest one."
The beautiful boy said. Sheila blushed bright pink as he smiled when he noticed. "Alright Relegus do you sleep?" Lara  asked " cause if you do, we have a spare room and we will let you choose your own furniture to design it!". " Oh of course I sleep! I am  half human! So sure!" Relegus said. "Great! Let's but you some furniture!" Sheila said. "Actually no because I have powers remember! I can do thing what no other human can do!" He says as he snapped his fingers "Look at room now" he says smirking. "Alright mister but no flirting! You've got sent here to train us remember! Not to flirt with us!" Lara said. "Oh yeah right! Just check the room it will be filled with furniture!" He said.


"Wow it is filled with furniture!" Sheila said. "You decorated this? You got good taste" Lara said. "Aw thanks y'all!" He said in awe "I'm glad I was welcomed by you guys! You guys really seemed to be comfortable to be with! Unlike the others I used to trained...." He said and sighed. "Well being those people you used to train will make us monsters!" Sheila said. "Yeah! We wouldn't treat you something that's bad! That's not even right!" Lara said. "Thank you guys so much! This was the warmest welcome Ive got in 1,200 years!" Relegus said with pure joy. This was his first ever warm welcome after 1,100 years ago. The woman he liked died after training. He loved her that the fact she was the only one that makes him better and comfortable in his place. Lara and Sheila giggled and chuckled.
"Well it's the best thing we could do to someone new to our family!" Lara said. "By the way, do you guys have a father?" Relegus asked. "No... Mother never mentioned anything about him... Not even a single time she ever mentioned him until her accident. That time was the last time we ever saw her again." Lara said while listening to Sheila sniffing from the memories "Hey hey hey! No no no don't cry! It's just a memory! It's all done now! It's in the past!!" Lara shushed her as Sheila hugged her sister tight. "I still remember and miss her." Sheila sniffed and sobbed while tears gets out of her eye sockets. "You guys.. don't have a father? I don't have a mother!" Relegus said "He also never mentioned about her. He only mentioned about power and how powerful I was gonna be if I truly become a Goddess." Relegus said " but that will take 10,000 more years! And I can t wait that long! I want to make him proud of me!" Relegus said. "Alright. It's getting dark and we need to go to bed." Lara said bringing the crying Sheila to her room. As Relegus entered his room he heard the door next to him closed thinking 'maybe that was just Lara...' and fell asleep



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