Chapter 8: Henry and Relgus

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"UGHHHHHHHH!! If only Relegus hadn't wasted the groceries we bought yesterday!" Lara groaned. "Yeah but that's okay! I'm sure you have a way to forgive him!" Sheila said. "We are low on money! How is it okay?!" Lara said angrily. " Yeah we are but what about our savings?" Sheila asked. "Oh yeah but we're saving that until next year remember?" Lara said. "Yeah but it's the best we could do." Sheila said.


"Sooo... Uhh yeah. Sorry again" Relegus said. "Yeah that's okay Relegus... You could've asked for help if you needed too!" Sheila said accepting his apology. "Yeah right! I'll pay!" Relegus said handing a gold bar, Lara's and Sheila's face was priceless! "Yeah you gonna take it?" He asked. "We have to exchange that Into cash. We can't pay a whole gold bar on the cashier." Lara said. "Why not?" He asked. "Because they don't have enough money to give us thousands of money. Plus that's a literal gold bar! How would they pay for the change?"  Lara said. "Uh sure! Where's the nearest bank?" Relegus asked. "Across the street." Sheila said pointing outside seeing a bank. "Oh right! Let's go then!" Relegus said. "Oh no no no! You're staying here to watch the cart! You ain't going anywhere until we get back!" Lara said holding Sheila's hand. " Oh uhm okay!" Sheila said.


"Alright! We got the money! Let's go back and see if Relegus is still there!" Lara said putting the money in her wallet. " Yeah! Maybe he went somewhere else! Probably he knows something about grocery shopping!" Sheila said. "yeah right! Let's just shut up and we got to go now if we wanna get home early!" Lara said.


"You guys got the money?" Relegus asked. "Oh thank God you're still here! I thought you were gonna leave the cart! Those items were good and fresh!" Lara said. "We got $30,000 by the way!" Sheila said. "That's a lot! Let's go pay now!" Relegus said. " Yeah!" Sheila said jumping.


"There we go! We just go to put them in places!" Lara said. "We got no time left for training!" Relegus said. "Can't we do this tomorrow?" Lara groaned." No but I can just do this!" Relegus said looking at the bag and the items flew and got putted back into the places where they were supposed to be. " You never told us you can do this!" Sheila said surprised. "You guys already saw me doing magic when I was teaching you guys to do some fire balls!" Relegus said. "Yeah okay!" Sheila said.


All of a sudden, they heard a knock in the door. Relegus was confused because of who knowcked in the door. Like they did ruin the lesson! They were on the of the lesson! Relegus opened the door and saw that one and only person, Henry. "Hello who could you might be?" Relegus asked. "Oh sorry! I've mustn't gotten to the wrong address! By the way! Does Sheila here?" Henry asked. "Yes but they're sleeping! I'm they're friend and I just moved in here because I got kicked out by my family." Relegus said. " Oh I'm so sorry for you! By the way! Names Henry! Henry Denverson! How about you?" Henry asked. "I'm uhhh... Relegus! Relegus Tobias Vestels! Pleasure to meet you!" Relegus said. " YOU'RE RELEGUS VESTELS?! WHY ARE YOU HERE?? IM SO IN SHOCKED RIGHT NOW!! SO YOU GUYS ARE REAL!" Henry said excitedly, this was a perfect opportunity for him because he gets to meet the next goddess. " Of course I'm real! How would people know me if I didn't exist!" Relegus said. "I don't know! Tales?" Henry joked as they both laughed. "Ahah good one! By the way they're in the backyard! Doing something but I plan not to tell you yet!" Relegus said. "Just tell me!" Henry said nudging his shoulder.
"Uhhhh wait a second!" Relegus said running in the backyard.


Helixia: I decided to end the chapter this way! This way there would be a 'to be continued ' chapter! Hope y'all like it!

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