Chapter 7

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<Lenas POV>
We get into the car, and Julio drives us to the hospital where my dad will meet us. We get there, and wait in my moms room until my dad arrives, after that he stays in the room with her and we wait in the lobby.
About 3 hours of chatting with Julio later, my dad comes out and says, "You guys can head back home, the doctor says she's moving very slowly and won't deliver until tomorrow morning, I'll text you if it happens sooner."
We nod and head to the car.
Julio drives us back to my house, and we go in and sit on the couch, curled up, watching movies.
Thankfully all my siblings are at my grandma's.
It's 2:00 in the morning and we fall asleep watching movies.
At 7:00 in the morning I get a call. It's my dad saying that my mother is having horrible contractions (and they are closer by the minute) and she will be delivering in about 10-20 minutes.
I shake Julio awake and we quickly throw on some clothes, and brush our hair.
He speeds to the hospital and we make it to the room right before they begin. We wait outside the room, as people under 18 aren't allowed in the room during labor (dumb rule).
About 15 minutes later (and hearing lots of yelling and shouts of pain from the room) my dad motions us in.
As we enter, in my parents hands are 2 sisters and a brother.
"Mom..." I sigh. "They are beautiful."
"Thanks baby." She looks tired as they take her to recovery.
"Congrats, babe." Julio says as we go to her new room. He stops me and pulls me up into a kiss.

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