11 - Don't get used to it

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Han made his way up the stairs to the second floor. He hadn't stopped to look Minho in the eyes since it had been decided the older was staying for the night.

Minho wondered if he was wrong to accept Haru's proposal, as he watched Han open his bedroom door with a shaking hand.

Was he that worried of sleeping with him? What was he scared of?

Not even Han knew what he was afraid of, but surely it was all too much for him. He had never slept with any friend other than Seojun in Malaysia and he had never invited anyone to his house there in Seoul. And everything was happening way too quickly.

«I'll give you a gym suit, I hope it fits you.» he murmured, furiously rummaging through his closet and handing Minho clean clothes without meeting his gaze.

«Go to the bathroom, I'll change here. Second door on the left.» he said, then walked away from the older who didn't move an inch.


«Mh?» the younger answered, without even looking at him.

«I can sleep on the sofa» Minho offered, with a kind voice.

«And why on Earth?» Han asked, his voice shaking as he turned his back to Minho and put his phone on charge, pretending he had something important to do on the smartphone.

«You seem to be uncomfortable, but you don't have to worry. I won't touch you.» Minho said, convinced he was saying something reassuring.

But Han felt his stomach twist. He was convinced up to that moment that Minho was flirting with him, romantically, and that he found him at least cute. He was worrying about how he was going to fall asleep that night without disturbing Minho, to not make strange noise or things like that. But after that sentence he thought he had misunderstood everything. Minho didn't find him attractive at all. He would have never touched him and Eun was fucking right.

He also thought back to all the compliments his mother said about her son in front of the boy and he felt like an idiot.

"Sure, Han, you're ugly, remember?"

«Of course» he snapped, gritting his teeth.

Minho looked at him puzzled. He didn't get what was going on in that boy's head and he wasn't okay with that. He wanted to understand him.

«Jisung, tell me, what's wrong?» he asked, approaching Han, «I feel like I'm ruining your birthday...»

Han was surprised by that sentence and looked up, finally meeting Minho's eyes:

«What are you saying?!» he snapped, feeling slightly guilty. Minho had been perfect all evening, despite having had a rough day. He didn't want to make him feel that way!

«I would have spent a shitty evening without you!» he added, blushing immediately afterwards.

Minho held back a smile and came even closer to the boy: «Then, tell me, what are you worried about?» he asked, stroking his forearm.

Han shivered at the touch but didn't move. It was pleasant, after all. 

«I don't know, I'm just agitated!» Jisung blurted, tired of keeping it all inside, «I haven't had friends in years and I haven't slept with anyone in a long time.» he finally confessed, keeping his eyes fixed on his own hands.

«Oh, for that matter, neither do I, Ji.» Minho said, with a reassuring smile. Han immediately noted the nickname.

«But it's just you and me.» the older added, «We can't do anything wrong.» he said and Han felt comforted by those dark eyes. They were so reassuring, it was as if he had known them forever.

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