19 - New sides

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«Hyung! Did you bring a guest?»

Han and Minho had arrived at the agency. The younger had quickly let go of Minho's hand, assuming that it wasn't the best to be seen like that at work, and the trainee boy smiled at him, leading him along the corridors and flights of stairs. Han looked around with bright eyes, scanned every boy or girl they met, imprinting them on his mind to one day being able to say "I had seen them before they became famous!"

Minho looked at him with a smile, happy that the previous day and Han's empty gaze seemed just a distant memory, and they reached the rehearsals room. The older had dropped down and was stretching, while Han had crouched with his legs up to his chest in the corner of the room, behind him.

A boy walked in and Han immediately recognized him: he was one of the two friends who had accompanied Minho to the café that time.

«I.N-ah!» Minho greeted him and then smiled, looking at his little friend curled up in a corner. He looked so lost, so little.

«This is Jisung, he wanted to see us dance»

The boy smiled at Han and his eyes almost disappeared. He gave him a short bow: «Pleased to meet you, I'm Jeongin»

Han shyly smiled at him in response. A few moments later the hall was already filled with loud music and two other boys had also joined them: Hyunjin, that beautiful dancer Jisung had already seen at the café with Jeongin, and Felix - what an unusual name for a Korean guy.

«Woah, Minho-hyung, did you bring your boyfriend?» Felix exclaimed as soon as he saw Han.

Minho glared at him, while his ears were turning red, and Jisung buried his head in his knees. However, neither of them denied it and Han was puzzled. He kept looking at Minho, trying to read his expression.

Did he think he was his boyfriend? Would it have been fine for him?

«Enough talk, lazy people, let's get started!» Minho called his mates back and they started the long training.

The whole time Han couldn't take his eyes off Minho, who was focused on the dance but occasionally gave him a quick glance through the mirror. His body moved so attractively. He was so sure of himself, so sinuous in his movements and Han was mesmerized by him.

He was the more experienced dancer, compared to the others, perhaps also because he was the oldest, but it wasn't just the precision in what he did that attracted Han's attention. It was the strength in his movements, coupled with how he made everything seem so effortless and natural.

It was terribly sexy too. His thighs were tense, his legs so powerful, his buttocks firm...

Han had always found him handsome, beautiful, but he had never looked at him with malice and blushed at the thought. Yet he couldn't help it.

During the break Minho sat next to him but didn't get too close: «Don't come near me, I stink»

«Mmh, romantic» Han cackled, but Minho didn't miss the chance.

«Do you want me to be romantic? I can be too much» he smirked, winking.

«Oh for real, boyfriend?» Han cackled, watching Minho get embarrassed, «You must have decided that while I was sleeping» he added, enjoying teasing the older one. 

«Ah, were you sleeping then? You seemed too quiet and too little red» Minho smiled, playing along.

«Ya! Do not joke about that!» Han mumbled, covering his cheeks with his hands. He knew he always blushed so easily and this had also been something he was bullied about as a child, because he looked too "Sissy".

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