Chapter 1

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Cas' hand felt hot in Dean's as they walked up the stairs together. Dean's heart was almost bursting out of his chest, it was thumping so hard. He watched the way Cas' shirt shifted across his shoulders as he pulled Dean forward, leading him down the corridor.

Cas pushed open the door to Dean's bedroom and they stepped inside. Dean was still holding his red plastic cup, filled with whatever alcoholic concoction Charlie had put together. He took a big gulp from it as Cas let go of his hand and moved into the centre of the room, turning around to look back at Dean.

"I forgot to buy you a birthday present." Cas said, his eyes twinkling with something that Dean had never seen before. It was incredibly alluring that he couldn't look away. Not that he wanted to.

Dean shrugged his shoulders, huffing out a small laugh, moving so close to Cas that he could smell the alcohol on his breath when he breathed.

"That's a shame." He says, his voice almost drowned out by the sound of music drifting up from Dean's birthday party downstairs. "I expected a present, especially since it's my nineteenth birthday."

"I don't suppose..." Cas tilts his head to the side a little as he speaks, his voice silky and smooth. "That I could do anything to make it up to you?"

A smirk tickles at Dean's mouth as he looks down into Cas' eyes. It had always annoyed Cas that Dean was taller than him.

"I'm sure I can think of something." Dean whispers, before closing the gap between them.

7 years later

"Lisa!" Dean called, as he thundered down the stairs, two at a time, struggling into his jacket. Unluckily for him, he slipped on the last couple of stairs and fell onto his backside with a thud.

"What are you doing?" Lisa questioned, coming out of their small kitchen with a mug of steaming coffee in her hand, as she stared down at Dean.

"Why didn't you wake me?" He cried, ignoring her question and struggling to his feet, trying to ignore the screaming pain in his back as he did so.

"Wake you?" Lisa repeated slowly. Her hair was up in a messy bun, little wavy strands hanging down by the sides of her pretty face.

"Yes! I'm like an hour late for the interview!" Dean cried, shaking his hands in front of him, as if he were trying to get Lisa to understand some complex concept.

Lisa watched Dean as he flustered past her and into the kitchen, grabbing his keys off the counter and heading towards the door. He yanked it open and started down the garden path towards his parked car on the road in front of their small rented house, when Lisa shouted out his name from her place at the front door.

Dean swiveled around, looking back at her in distress.

"Okay, one," Lisa placed a hand on her hip and rested all her weight on one leg. "You're not wearing any shoes." Dean looked down at his feet, and true to her word, he'd ran out of the house barefooted. "And two, the interview is tomorrow."

Dean's shoulders dropped and he let out a sigh.

"Crap." He muttered, a little laugh dripping from his mouth as he started padding back towards the house, the gravel underneath his feet uncomfortable. "I'm such an idiot."

Lisa's scowl softened until she was laughing too.

"That's what you get for sitting up all night staring at that text from your brother." Lisa complained, but her eyes were warm.

Dean kept the smile on his face, but in his head he was kicking himself. Ever since Lisa showed him that text Sam had sent, his head had been a mess of thoughts. He felt completely and utterly drained of energy, but he didn't let it show. He pressed a kiss to Lisa's forehead before heading back into the house and up the stairs to take a shower.

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