Chapter 5

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When Dean opened his eyes, he was met with the concerned face of his brother looking down at him.

"A little too close, Sammy." Dean grunted out, and he could see the relief wash over his brother's face.

Dean sat up slowly, pressing a hand to his aching forehead. "What happened?" He asked, and silently noticed how Cas and Jess were sitting on the floor beside him, a bowl of water in Jess' hands and a wet flannel in Cas'.

"We should be asking you that instead!" Charlie said as she plopped down on the sofa beside Dean, her shoulder brushing up against his. "You really scared me, you bitch."

"Do you remember anything?" Jess asked, as she got up on her knees, pressing the back of her hand to Dean's forehead. Dean flicked through his mind, trying to collect information on what just happened. "No. I just... remember being in that room and feeling... weird."

"Room?" Charlie asked. "What room?"

Dean looked at everyone for a few moments. They all had furrowed brows. "The study." He said.

"What are you talking about, dude? There isn't a study." Jo shifted in her seat, glancing at Sam briefly.

"Yes, there is." Dean sternly said. He glanced over to the hallway. "There's an old desk in there. Super creepy atmosphere."

"I think you're seeing things." Charlie said slowly, placing a hand on Dean's arm.

Sam knelt down so that he was closer to Dean. "Dean, there's no study. It's just the kitchen and living room here, and the rooms upstairs."

Dean pondered over this for a few minutes. What was going on? Did he just imagine everything? Maybe he was seeing things. No, that can't be right. He went into that room. He felt that breeze against his neck. He can't have imagined that.

"But I was in there." Dean muttered, looking back towards the hallway.

"Dean, we found you curled up on the floor in the hallway." Cas said quietly, and Dean locked eyes with him. Dean knew he could trust Cas, he could see it in his face. Cas wouldn't play tricks on him, even after everything that had happened between them, Cas would never do that to him.

Dean sat up fully and planted his feet on the ground. No one said anything as he stood up and stumbled over to the hallway, pulling the door open. He felt his heart drop into his stomach when he saw that the door he walked through not 20 minutes ago was no longer there.

"But how... how can that be?" He muttered to himself, feeling a cold sweat start to collect in between his shoulder blades.

"This boy is overworked." Jo sighed, next to him now.

"Do you think we should take him to the hospital or something?" Jess asked worriedly as she stood up next to Sam.

"I don't know. Maybe we should." Sam replied and Dean looked back at him with a scowl on his face.

"No. No hospitals. I'm fine. I'm probably just a little overworked, like Jo said." Dean turned away from the hallway and without realising, he moved back to the sofa and plonked himself down. He felt a shooting pain go through his head, and although he did his best to hide it, he noticed Cas shift a little, looking as though he were about to reach out to Dean, but thought against it.

"Dude, you're messed up. You gotta get to the hospital." Jo said, and even she was starting to sound worried.

"Guys, seriously." Dean's voice was stern when he spoke, and the group looked at him in anticipation. "Honestly, I'm okay. I think I just need to rest. Why don't you all go out and explore or something. I'll just stay here."

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