Chapter 2

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The sun beat down on the back of Dean's neck as he shuffled around near the edge of the lake. His mother had told him to put sunscreen on to prevent himself from burning, but he hated the way it felt, so he'd left the cabin without any, promising her that he already had some on.

He looked down into the clear shimmering water, his own face glaring back at him. He stooped to the floor and gathered some rocks in the palm of his hand before standing upright and pulling his arm back. He stood firmly on his feet and lobbed a stone forward, watching as it plummeted to the water, a ring of ripples emitting out across the length of the lake. It was edging towards 8:30 pm but the sun was still hot and bright, despite the fact that it was starting to set, and it painted a waxy orange glow across the sky. Once Dean had launched all his stones into the lake, he sat himself down on a boulder near the water's edge, the soft soothing sound of the water lapping up against the rock almost nipping at his bare toes.

Somewhere in the distance, he could hear little eleven year old Sammy playing with a couple of girls he'd met down at the entertainment centre near the entrance of the cabin park. Jo and Charlie, he thinks they were called. They were both a year younger than Sammy, and they all seemed to get on like a house on fire from the get-go. Dean could hear all three of their high pitched voices bouncing from tree to tree until they drifted off of the water and into silence. Dean rolled his eyes. Kids, he thought to himself as if he knew any better and picked at a fray on the bottom of his jean leg.

"Just do it!" A sudden loud voice from the opposite side of the lake caught Dean's attention. He looked up and saw a teenage boy with dishwater brown hair holding onto a skinny arm which was attached to an equally skinny younger boy with dark brown hair, so dark that it looked almost black in comparison next to the colour of his pale skin.

"Gabriel, stop it! I don't want to!" The skinny boy whined, trying to shove against the older boy.

"C'mon, don't be a sissy." The boy- who Dean guessed was called Gabriel- shouted.

The skinnier boy tried to push himself away from Gabriel one last time before the older boy sighed and shoved the smaller boy towards the water's edge. "You won't die."

"Gabe!" The boy shrieked as water started to lap against his heels.

Dean suddenly found himself standing to his own feet and moving around the lake, never taking his eyes off of the clearly petrified skinny boy as he went. Dean didn't get far until he stopped in his tracks in pure shock as the older boy pushed the younger so fiercely that he toppled backwards into the water, his head submerged by the lake. Gabriel stayed to watch the boy splash around in the water for a few moments, before laughing a little and then disappearing back into the woods.

Dean forced his legs to move until he found himself standing in front of the skinny dark haired boy as he scrambled out of the lake, droplets of water running down his face... or perhaps they were tears.

"Excuse me?" Dean said and the boy looked up, startled. Upon seeing that it wasn't Gabriel back for seconds, his face relaxed slightly, though his shoulders stayed tensed and he wrapped his arms across his bare chest.

"Who are you?" He asked and Dean shuffled on his feet.

"My name's Dean." He replied and inwardly cringed as his hand automatically popped out in front of him. The smaller boy looked at it for a few seconds as if he'd never seen a hand before, but soon uncrossed his arms and slid his damp hand into Dean's.

"I'm Castiel."

Dean awoke with a start. He took a deep breath and ran a hand over his sweaty forehead. Today was the day. Today was the day that he'd start on his journey to seeing Cas again after seven years. And Jo and Charlie, of course.

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