Chapter 3

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"Dean!" Sam cried, clearly shocked. "You came!"

"Yup. Here in the flesh." Dean replied, a lazy smile on his lips.

"Woah... I... I thought you'd chicken out."

Dean could have bursted out laughing, the surprised expression on Sam's face looked so out of place. After all, it had been awhile since the two brothers had seen each other as well. The only times they ever saw each other in person was for a couple of hours on Christmas Day when Dean would travel back to Kansas to see John and Mary. Since moving to St Louis, Dean had sort of distanced himself from Sam and his parents. It wasn't what Dean really wanted, but his life just sort of took that turn. Especially when he met Lisa in St Louis, he knew that he would probably never move back to Kansas, which meant that seeing Sam was a very rare thing.

"I thought it was about time I came back." Dean said, and felt a pang of emotion bubble in his stomach. "Truth be told, Sammy, I missed it here."
"We missed having you here, Dean." Sam replied, and the air turned soft.

So far, so good. Dean thought to himself as he and Sam shared a quick brotherly hug, Sam slapping him on the back heartedly.

"Wait." Sam said, pushing Dean back at arm's length and nodding towards Dean's sleek black 1967 Chevy Impala. "You drove here?"

Dean looks back at him blankly. "Uhh, yeah. Duh. I ain't stepping foot on any plane if I can help it." He muttered as he slapped Sam on the shoulder and stepped into the cabin.

The cabin was different to the one that Dean remembers spending his childhood summers in. The layout was largely different and everything felt much older. He didn't linger on the thought for too long though as he was too occupied with meeting everyone again after so long. Sam pulled the door closed and moved past Dean to make his way back into the living area.

"Was it him?" A female voice said from the small porch.

Even though the voice had changed slightly, Dean knew exactly who it belonged to. He stepped out from inside the porch and into the living area, his eyes instantly falling upon the girl with the same striking red hair that she had as a child.

"Hi, Charlie." Dean grinned, and Charlie's mouth dropped open.

"You're here." She whispered, before throwing down the comic in her hand and standing up so that she could launch herself at Dean. "It's really you, shit! It's really you!"

"It's really me, yeah." Dean laughed, wrapping his arms around the girl, breathing in her warm scent. She pulled back after a few seconds and just looked at Dean's face.

"You grew out of your ugly!" She cried, mischief swimming in her eyes.

"Hey!" Dean pouted, his voice dripping with fake upset. He then stepped back to take a proper look at Charlie. She looked exactly the same, just in adult size.

"Dean." Another voice came from beside him and Dean looked over to see Jo smiling at him.

"Jo." Dean breathed, smiling fondly at the blonde-haired girl. "It's good to see you."

Jo was smiling, but before Dean knew what was happening she punched him in the chest. Hard. Dean's hand flew to the spot she'd hit, his face crumpling into confusion. "What the hell?"
"That's for leaving us." Jo explained, crossing her arms over her chest in that sulky manner she'd always possessed. "Seven years, man. That's not fair. You deserve more than that punch. You should consider yourself lucky."

Dean rubbed at the aching spot, but smiled fondly back at the girl. "You're right." He said. "I'm sorry."

Jo nor Charlie questioned Dean as to why he hadn't returned to the cabins in so long, and he was grateful for that. He didn't like to think about it too much, but he already knew that they understood why he hadn't returned. Dean made a mental note to himself to try and find a way to make it up to them somehow.

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