Chapter 13

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The group stared at the groundskeeper. No one said anything for a short while, and the groundskeeper just smiled a little as he raised his mug of coffee to his mouth and took another noisy slurp.

"So, his body is buried down at the lake?" Charlie asked slowly, and her gaze landed on Cas. The memory of Cas sinking down into that dark lake flashed through Dean's mind as he also lay his eyes on Cas. He was standing extremely still, staring at the ground. He looked like a perfect, sad statue.

"Well, we can't be sure. It is only a rumour, after all." The groundskeeper cleared his throat, putting his mug down on the coffee table in front of him. "And that's why this cabin was left alone whilst the rest were torn out for refurbishing. The owners were superstitious and didn't want to cause any harm for themselves."

"This is bullshit." Jo scoffed, slouching down further in her seat, but throwing a hand up in exasperation. "No one saw them do this? If there had been other cabins, surely there were others that would have at least heard or seen something?"

The groundskeeper shrugged his shoulders, sucking in a breath. "Shock and fear can make you keep all sorts of secrets, girlie. Besides, where do you think the rumours came from?"

"So what about the police then?" It was Jess' turn to talk now, leaning forward slightly so that her arms were resting on her knees. "Didn't they do anything?"

"Well, they did a search of course, when the four of them had been reported missing. It was all over the news, in fact. No one came forward with any information, and they were never found. Damn fuzz can never do their jobs right, anyway." The man got to his feet now, and the rest of the group stood up along with him. "Well, that's all I got."

"You're leaving?" Cas asked, and Dean felt his shoulder brush against his. He was tense.

"I ain't got nothing else to say to ya." The groundskeeper said, and took a few moments to look at them all in turn. "Best of luck to you all."

"What are you expecting us to do?" Sam queried, eyes following the old man as he started making his way back towards the front door of the cabin.

"Do with the information as you please. I just thought you should know." The old man reached for the door handle, but looked back at the group behind him. "You seem like people who would want to do something about this."

And then he was leaving. He swiftly opened the door, stepped outside and strolled out of sight as if he were on a leisurely walk. He'd left the door open and Dean noticed that it had stopped raining, and was bright outside, matching the time of day that it should be.

Dean's head swam with confusion, and by the look on everyone else's faces, they were just as puzzled as he was.

"I don't get it." Charlie said in a small voice, her shoulders hunched up by her ears.

"Me neither," Sam sighed, running a hand through his scruffy hair. "I have no idea what is going on here, but I sure as shit am tired as fuck."

Dean laughed a little, and then he couldn't stop. The situation wasn't funny at all, but he just couldn't stop laughing. He clamped a hand to his mouth and turned away when the others looked at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"What's funny?" Jo asked, crossing her arms over her chest with an irritated growl.

"Nothing," Dean spluttered. "It's just... we're so fucked."


Around midday, the group had calmed down a little from their visit from the groundskeeper. They were all in the living room still, but a few of them had braved it out to trek upstairs for showers. The cabin was nowhere near as freaky when it was bright outside. Dean still hesitated when he had to go up and use the bathroom though. He pushed through it, not wanting to let the group on to the fact that he was still completely freaking out inside.

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