Chapter 10

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They all stayed huddled in the living area in front of the cold fireplace. Sam and Jess voluntarily trekked upstairs together to grab some blankets and brought them downstairs so everyone could sleep in the same room. The plan was to wait it out through the night and try to leave first thing, as soon as it was light enough to see properly. Dean and Cas sat on the sofa directly in front of the fire, Cas with his knees up to his chin, starting to shiver a little. As soon as Sam and Jess walked back into the room, their arms full of blankets, Dean shot up and grabbed one, placing it over Cas, who looked up at him with tired eyes.

"Thank you, Dean." He said, and a small smile slowly grew on his plump lips.

Soon enough, everyone was trying to find sleep. Charlie and Jo were slouched on one sofa, Charlie resting her head on Jo's shoulder, Jo's head resting on top of Charlie's. Sam and Jess are on the second sofa, snuggled up as much as they possibly could be, Sam's muscly arms wrapped around Jess in protection. Dean sat on the third sofa, directly across from the fireplace, and Cas was sat cross legged on the mattress that Sam had dragged down from upstairs. He almost threw it down the stairs when he started hearing weird noises and then none of them wanted to go back up to get any more. There's a slight awkward tension in the air as Dean and Cas met eyes, but Cas looked away, clearing his throat before it became too much.

"Are you going to be comfortable enough on that sofa?" Cas asked, his eyes cast to the fire.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." Dean said, and with that he slid his body down on the sofa. It wasn't quite long enough so his feet hung off the end. It made him feel vulnerable, so he soon pulled them up towards his chest and lay on his side in more of a fetal position. Cas also lay down after a while, pulling the blanket up to his chin. When he was settled, his eyes flickered back up to meet Dean's. Dean was already looking at him and could feel his cheeks heat up a little as they made eye contact. It didn't feel as awkward this time though, and Dean even offered Cas a small smile. Cas returned it, but then turned over so that his back was facing Dean. Dean took in a small breath and stared up at the ceiling, tugging his own blanket over himself more and trying to ignore the eerie chill he felt creeping up on his skin.

After a few moments, soft snores and heavy breathing could be heard from the rest of the group and Dean looked over the arm of his sofa at them. They all looked fast asleep, and he was glad they were getting some rest. They must have all been so freaked out. It still hadn't even properly sunken in for Dean yet either, but he was the oldest of the group, and natural instinct took over. He felt as though he needed to take responsibility and be the leader of the pack.

Just then, Dean heard Cas shift in his bed and he looked down to see the man looking back at him over his shoulder slightly. His mouth was slightly agape, as if he wanted to say something. Dean raised his eyebrows, a signal for Cas to go ahead and speak.

"You can share the mattress with me..." Cas said then, and surprise hit Dean like a ton of bricks being thrown directly at his head. "...if you want."

Dean's eyes went wide and he stared at Cas, lost for any sort of words. Cas seemed to realise what he'd said then, and looked away awkwardly, shaking his head. "Uhh.. sorry. I shouldn't have said that. Ignore me." But Dean was pushing the blanket away from himself and sliding onto the floor, crawling until his knees hit the soft material of the mattress. Cas watched in stunned silence as Dean pulled back his cover and tucked himself underneath. He lay on his back, and stared once again up at the ceiling. The two of them said nothing to each other for a while, both just lying there. Cas turned fully onto his back so that he was also staring up at the cracked ceiling, and the sound of his breathing was strangely comforting. He could feel Cas' body heat radiating towards him, and a shiver ran across his skin.

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