Chapter 12

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So this chapter is pretty long, and it features some characters that I made up specifically for this story. I understand that some people dislike original characters in fanfic, and this chapter is solely a flashback without any of the SPN cast, but it is really vital to the story so please don't be tempted to skip it :')

Half of this chapter was written 8 years ago, and the other half has been written recently!

The next chapter after will return to the SPN guys and will be completely fresh as I've edited and uploaded all the chapters I've previously written.

I'm so excited to develop the story further.

Hope you enjoy the new chapter!

WARNING: trigger warning: murder, death


Christopher always enjoyed the cabin resort. He'd been coming here for a few years now, and had booked the same cabin each time.

Cabin 1. It was a sweet little place: four bedrooms, a good kitchen, large living area and a small private study. It was perfect for a relaxed vacation. That year, he'd decided to invite along his girlfriend and a couple they were friendly with. The vacation was supposed to be a romantic getaway, time for them to wind down and have a good time together. But it didn't exactly go to plan. In fact, the plan got thrown out of the window fairly early. Little did Christopher know that that would be the last vacation he would ever have.

Little did he know that his last breath would be taken in that exact cabin.

Christopher had only been dating his girlfriend for about a year, but he felt close to her. He felt as though he had never quite met someone who was on the same brainwave as him... until her. She just got him. She was gorgeous: long blonde hair that was naturally curled at the ends. Her face was round and cute. She had a healthy body with plump legs that went on for miles. She was exactly his type. It was almost too good to be true. In fact, it was too good to be true.

It was raining when it started, and the lush green grass outside cabin 1 had turned into a murky dark puddle of mud, instantly staining your shoes if you tried to wade through it.

"Chris, this isn't turning out to be that great of a vacation." Nicola whined, looking at her boyfriend in distaste as she sat at the window.

"I'm sorry. I thought the weather would be better."

"You were wrong." Andrew added, draping an arm around Tammy, his girlfriend.

"I'm sure things will brighten up soon." Christopher said, but he could feel the disappointment seeping out of the rest of the group.

It was strange; since they'd been on their vacation, it felt like the others in the group were giving him the cold shoulder. His friends had always been the type of people to complain about anything and everything though, and so Christopher tried to look past it. However, the terrible weather didn't let up, and it continued to rain everyday, so much so that the group wasn't able to step one foot outside due to the harsh winds and thunderous storms.

Tensions began running high in the cabin and the smallest of disagreements evolved into full blown arguments. He wasn't sure why but Christopher seemed to be getting the blame shoved onto him a lot of the time. He put it down to everyone just being fed up of sitting inside all day with not much to do. But as the days crawled by, and tensions grew stronger, he began to feel uncomfortable around his friends. Suspicion and doubt crept into his mind, and he began feeling as though they were against him. He'd started spending his time away from the others in the small study at the back of the cabin. He sat at the desk and tried to write. He'd always enjoyed writing, and dreamed of becoming an author of some sort one day. He wrote of clear skies, and love found on the beach. He wrote about first kisses and growing old. He wrote about betrayal and infidelity. He wrote about falling ill and being nailed inside a coffin to lie for an eternity, six feet underground.

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