Chapter 7

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The voice sounded far away, even though Dean knew it was coming from right beside him. His head was a mess of emotions, thoughts and feelings as he pulled his head from his hand. The cold breeze hit his damp cheeks and a shiver ran down his spine. He looked up, his eyes landing smoothly on the horizon of the lake. The sky was grey now, any remains of the sun had disappeared. It was as if the world were linked to his emotions, going dull when Dean had felt every ounce of happiness drain from his soul.

"I take it you ended things with Lisa?"

Dean nodded.

"Are you sure that was the best thing to do?"

"I did it because I don't want to hurt her."

"So you consider your relationship with her to be toxic?"

"You know, you're making me feel really shitty right now, Cas." Dean looked up at the man in front of him. He had his hands shoved deep in his pockets and Dean could see the little goosebumps rising on his tanned skin.

"I just don't know whether ending things with Lisa is actually solving anything. It's probably making things worse in fact." Cas said, head tilted to the side.

"Stop making me feel like a bad person."

"You're not a bad person, Dean."

Dean just looked at Cas for a few moments, his mind blank. After what felt like an hour, he weakly looked over to the spot where the rest of the group had been sitting. They were gone.

"Where's everyone else?" Dean asked, and only at that moment did he notice how the rocks around him were speckled with dark grey raindrops.

"The weather seems to be taking a turn for the worst." Cas explained, looking up to the sky and bunching his shoulders up around his neck. "We thought it would be best to go back to the cabin before it gets any worse."

A strange feeling washed over Dean as he momentarily scanned the rest of the lakeside. Ever since he stepped foot on the rocky ground, he felt as though his chest were getting tighter and tighter. He initially put it down to not being as fit as he used to be, but he was now realising that the pain he had was still there, and getting worse. He couldn't deny the fact that he felt... strange. As if being by the lakeside was wrong... forbidden.

He found himself standing up now, and as he did he felt weird... hazy and slightly dizzy. He tried not to let it show as he started walking across the stones, but Cas noticed something was up anyway.
"Are you okay?"

"Does this," Dean vaguely gestured around himself, looking back at Cas in puzzlement. "Feel weird to you?"
Cas tilted his head to the side. "You breaking up with Lisa?"
"No." Dean shook his head fiercely, stopping in his tracks. "This... being here. I don't know man, everything feels.... Wrong here."

"I don't know what you're referring to."

"This lake!" Dean cried, starting to get twitchy now. Why was it that whenever he tried to explain things to anyone, he could never explain himself properly? "This lake, Cas. I don't know what it is, but it feels creepy. Like we're not supposed to be here, like--"

Just at that moment, a bolt of lightning stuck somewhere on the horizon. Dean and Cas both jumped at the flash of light and left there staring at the sky in shock. Then, as if it were an angry monster climbing its way through the sky, a deep roll of deafening thunder broke out. It was so loud that Dean was sure he felt the ground tremble with it.

"I think we should really get back now." Cas muttered, his voice almost drowned out by the sound above them.

"Yeah." Dean whispered, feeling a shiver go through his body as fat, cold raindrops started splashing on his exposed skin.

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