Chapter 6

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Lisa looked at Dean with sparkles in her eyes. Her perfect face was framed by her perfect hair. Her perfect body was dressed in her perfectly matched clothes. She stood perfectly in front of him in a perfect ray of sunshine. That was just it: it was perfect. Dean smiled at her, taking her hand in his own, watching the way a smile grew on her lips.

"I love you, Dean." She said, her voice smooth and calm.

He went to open his mouth to give Lisa the same words back, but nothing came out. Panic started to grow in the bottom of his stomach as he tried over and over to say those three simple words back to his girlfriend. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't. Even screaming didn't generate any sound. It was as if his voice box had been ripped away from him. Perhaps those three words weren't so simple after all. The smile from Lisa's face faded and she stepped away from Dean, pulling her hand out of his grip. She started shaking her head slowly, tears growing in those pretty brown eyes of hers.

"You don't love me." She said, her voice wobbling.

Dean started shouting in his head, willing for something, anything to work so that Lisa could hear him.

"You don't love me." She kept repeating the words, over and over again, until they were swarming around in Dean's head like an ambulance siren, sharp and painful.

You don't love me.

You don't love me.

You don't love me.

All he could hear were those four words. It was suffocating him. He couldn't breathe.

It felt like a heavy weight had been dropped on Dean's stomach as he jerked awake, coughing as he tried to fill his lungs with air. He blinked in pain as he clutched at his pillow, his body slick head to toe with sweat.

He flopped down onto his back after a few seconds and just lay there, exhausted.

"What the hell?" He wheezed to himself. "What the hell is going on?"

When he eventually got up, he found that he'd actually slept straight through to the morning. He moved out into the hallway to go to the bathroom, and could vaguely hear the others talking downstairs. He seemed to be getting into a habit of waking up way after everyone else. He was about to reach out for the bathroom door handle when the door quickly opened outwards, smacking Dean painfully in the face. He stumbled backward, clutching his face with one hand and pressing the other to the wall to steady himself.

"Shit." He grunted, squeezing his eyes shut in agony.

"Dean." A voice calmly said, and Dean cursed under his breath once more before looking up to see Cas stood in the doorway, toothpaste around his mouth. "Sorry about that."

"Dammit, Cas." Dean grumbled, standing up straighter, still rubbing at the sore spot. "We've seriously gotta stop meeting at the bathroom like this."
"I agree." Cas said flatly, though he did look a little guilty.

"I swear if I get a bruise on my forehead because of this..." Dean let his hand drop down to his side as he looked back at Cas, pointing to his mouth. "You got a little toothpaste there."

Cas quickly put the back of his hand to his mouth and scrubbed away the toothpaste. He looked at Dean, as stood awkwardly in the bathroom doorway. "How did you sleep?" He asked, painfully slow. Dean considered lying, but deemed it pointless. Instead he shrugged his shoulders and leaned back against the wall of the hallway. "Not too great."

"Sorry to hear that." Cas said and he hesitated for a few moments before he opening his mouth again to say something else. But before he could get any further, footsteps started making their way up the stairs. Cas shot Dean a quick apologetic look before slipping past him and heading towards his room. Sam reached the top of the stairs and when he saw Dean his face broke out into a small smile. "Hey, I was just coming to wake you." He said.
"Well, I already beat you to it Sammy-boy." Dean pushed himself off the wall and headed into the bathroom, closing the door before getting into the shower.

In The Eyes of The Confessor | A Destiel Fanfiction | SupernaturalDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora