Chapter 15

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They all stumbled over the stones, everyone holding their breaths. There was no way any of them could predict what would happen, but Dean knew that they all had some slither of hope within themselves. They had to, after all. There wasn't really any other option.

"Okay," Sam breathed, his shoulders bunching up around his ears as a cold gust of wind ripped past them. "Now what?"

"Do we need to do the summoning again?" Charlie had her arms wrapped around herself.

Just then, another huge roll of thunder crackled above their heads, quickly accompanied by a bright flash of lightning.

"Guys." Jo said, and Dean looked at her. She was pointing towards the lake. "I don't think we need to summon him."

Dean followed Jo's pointing finger, and felt all the air leave his lungs when his eyes landed on Chrisopher's body. He was floating above the water, in the middle of the lake. His arms were at his sides but lifted slightly, his palms facing them, as if he were welcoming them into his home.

Dean glanced at the group momentarily, taking a quick inhale of air before speaking. "I want to do this." He said and the group looked back at him in silence. "I want to help restore things... after everything I've put you guys through."

"Dean–" Sam started, but Dean cut him off before he could say any more.

"No, Sammy. Please, let me do this. If things start going haywire, I promise you can step in." Then Dean turned back to the lake and took a step toward, feeling electricity rattle through his bones as another bolt of lightning burnt the ground somewhere nearby.

"So you came?" Christopher's voice boomed across the lake and hit the group like a punch to the face. Charlie actually cringed away a little, looking like she wanted to cover her ears like a little kid.

"We've got business to finish." Dean shouted back, and although his voice was nowhere near as loud as Christopher's, the ghost smiled in response.

"Please, come closer." He said, and the group exchanged a few looks before cautiously making the way further down the lakeside. The sky was darkening with each passing second, and Dean noticed with a sinking feeling in his stomach that the water was no longer water. It looked like.... Blood. Swirling and churning, rippling slightly as the raindrops from the dark clouds above started to fall heavily.

They were on the rocks closest to the shore now, and Dean had to help Cas get a steady footfall as they cast their gaze up at the shimmering ghostly figure hovering just above the blood-filled lake.

"We're here." Dean announced, and watched as Christopher blinked a few times, casting his gaze on each of them at a time. Dean felt a shock of guilt flash through him as he watched the rest of the group. They all looked so terrified and there was nothing he could do to console them because he, too, was absolutely shitting himself. "Now you're going to give us answers."

"You want answers?" Christopher chortled, and his eyes flashed with devilment. "What makes you think I'm going to give you that?"

"Because I'm gonna fucking kill you if you don't." Dean growled.

"Aww," Christopher cooed, mockingly. "You're too late, I'm afraid."

Dean ground his teeth together in frustration, his fist tightened into a ball at his side. And then he felt a tugging at his sleeve, and he looked over to see Cas looking up at him, his blue eyes wide.

"Dean," he said. "Anger isn't going to get us anywhere. It's what he's thriving on. Think about how much anger must be pent up inside him. Think about what he went through when he was alive." Another crack of thunder made them all jump, and Dean took a moment to cast his eyes back at Chrisopher. The rain was really coming down now, pouring in fact, but Christopher wasn't affected, of course. He just smiled, and smiled. "We need to talk to him, really talk to him. Maybe all he needs is an outlet. Maybe he just needs someone to listen and to understand."

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