Life and Death

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Life and death, a dance of fate,
One leads to the other, inevitable and great,
A journey that we all must undertake,
A path that we cannot escape.

Life is a spark, a flame so bright,
A gift that fills our days and nights,
A tapestry of love, of joy, of light,
A journey that we hold so tight.

Death is a mystery, a door unknown,
A passage to a place that's not shown,
A transition to a realm we've never known,
A departure that we'll all make alone.

But life and death are not in vain,
For in their midst, we find our refrain,
We learn to love, to laugh, to feel the pain,
To cherish moments that we cannot regain.

Life teaches us to live with zeal,
To take the risks and truly feel,
To find the beauty, even when surreal,
To make our mark, to leave a seal.

Death, on the other hand, is not a foe,
But a reminder that we all must go,
That every breath is precious, so,
To cherish, to love, to let it show.

So let us live, and let us die,
With hearts that beat, with tears that dry,
With memories that will never lie,
With the knowledge that we'll never say goodbye.

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