A Dialogue with the Divine

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In stillness, I seek to find

A dialogue with the Divine

Questions heavy on my mind

Answers I long to find

With every breath, I draw near

To the source of all that's dear

A presence felt, yet unseen

Guiding me like a gentle stream

In this space of quietude

I'm humbled by a greater truth

That I'm a mere mortal soul

In the hands of a power whole

As I pour out my heart's cry

The Divine listens with an ear nigh

And in the stillness, I hear

Whispers of comfort and cheer

Though the answers may not come

I find rest in knowing the One

Who holds the universe in place

Is also holding me in His embrace

So I'll continue this dialogue

With the Divine who loves me in full

Trusting that in His perfect time

Answers will come, and all will be fine.

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