Sinless Sinner

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In the murky depths of night's embrace,

I, a shadow, roam this place.

My footsteps muffled by the mist,

I hide in darkness, ever exist.

My skin, a canvas, pure and white,

Yet my heart a prisoner of the night.

For though my soul is free from sin,

My hands bear witness to where I've been.

They call me a paradox, a mystery,

An enigma of history.

For though I am a sinner, see,

My heart is free from iniquity.

In my eyes, a fierce inferno burns,

A passion for justice, the world unlearns.

For though I am a creature of the night,

My heart is aflame with a righteous light.

I move in silence, swift and sure,

A dancer on a stage obscure.

My every step, a melody unheard,

My every breath, a whispered word.

They say I am a sinner, cursed and damned,

But they do not see what lies at hand.

For though my hands have caused much pain,

My heart remains forever sane.

The paradox of me, I am,

A mystery, a truth to unhand.

For though my hands have caused some harm,

My heart remains pure and beyond.

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