Touch Of Life

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In the hands of those who wield,

I am more than just a screen to be shielded,

A window to the world, a tool to yield,

A touch of life, to be wielded.

With every tap and every swipe,

I carry stories, emotions and hype,

Connecting lives, in a digital pipe,

A touch of life, to give respite.

Through me, voices rise and speak,

Emotions conveyed, from the strong to the weak,

Laughter, love, and tears they leak,

A touch of life, unique and sleek.

Yet, in the rush of the modern pace,

My power is oftentimes misplaced,

Used to distract, and erase,

The touch of life, gone to waste.

But hear me now, oh generation of today,

Life's not measured in likes and display,

Find balance, put your phone away,

The touch of life, in nature's display.

Take in the beauty of the world around,

From the mountains to the seas profound,

In every moment, peace can be found,

The touch of life, in silence abound.

Yes, I am the mobile phone in your hand,

A tool to use, to connect and expand,

But never forget, in life's grand,

The touch of life, in nature's hand.

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