Chapter 3

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    "What's gotten into you?" Albert asked, walking over to the couch of their shared apartment.

    "What do you mean?" Ravi looked up at him. Albert handed him a beer and sat down.

    "You have been acting funny ever since that call at the warehouse fire." Albert took a drink of his beer, leaning back into the couch, "Was it that girl?"

    "Huh? What girl?" Ravi's face flushed, he tried to pretend he didn't know who Albert was talking about, but he knew exactly who he meant.

    "That dispatch lady." Albert rolled his eyes and laughed, "The one who when you heard her voice your eyes practically popped out of your head."

    "They did not!" the blush on Ravi's face darkened. He didn't even know her name, how could it be anything.

    "They did too." Albert smirked, "And ever since then, whenever you hear the radio go off I can tell you're hoping it's her."

    "Albert, come on man." Ravi rolled his eyes, even though Albert was spot on. Somehow Albert always knew how Ravi was feeling, even if he didn't think he was making it obvious.

    "You can deny it all you want, but I saw what I saw." he shrugged, turning on the TV.

    Ravi's face stayed the dark shade of red for who knows how long. If Albert could see it, could everyone else too? He hadn't been on the A shift for very long, and he didn't want to embarrass himself in front of his new co-workers. "I don't even know her name."

    "Well you should ask her next time."

    "Yeah, right. What am I going to do, flirt with her in the middle of a call?" Ravi said sarcastically.

    "Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do." Albert shrugged, flipping through the channels.

    "Dude. I've barely spoken to a girl. I can't flirt on a call. I would probably die of embarrassment right then and there."

    "Well then, I guess you're out of luck."

    "Thanks so much for that." Ravi rolled his eyes, finally drinking some of his beer.

    "You're welcome. Now quiet so I can watch my show." Albert said turning on The Bachelor. Ravi just laughed and shook his head. All he could think about, though, was what Albert had said. He was right. If he didn't actually ask her about herself, he probably would never get the chance to know her... But how was he supposed to do that without making things weird?

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