Chapter 9

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Ravi🚨: Hey, Kenzie
Kenz🦋: Hey, Ravi!
Ravi🚨: What are you up to?
Kenz🦋: Nothing much. Listening to music and dreading work tomorrow lol
Ravi🚨: Want to have a movie/game night? I have snacks.
Kenz🦋: Absolutely! Your place or mine?
Ravi🚨: I can head over. Be there in 15?
Kenz🦋: Sounds good! See you soon ☺️

    Ravi didn't want to lose the friendship that he and Kenzie had, so he was still on the fence about telling her how he felt. However, he did still want to spend time with her. After texting her, he got up and gathered his things. He filled his backpack with random snacks that he could find in his and Albert's apartment and headed off to Kenzie's. Not long later he had arrived at her apartment complex. He made his way up to her floor and knocked on her door.

    "Hey! Come on in." Kenzie said opening the door for him.

    "Hey." Ravi smiled. This time he was feeling much less awkward. This is what it was like to be just friends.

    "I was promised snacks?" Kenzie raised an eyebrow as she led him over to the couch.

    "And I have come prepared!" he laughed, pulling out a bag of chips, a jar of salsa, and a box of Girl Scout cookies.

    "You're the best!" she said, immediately going for the cookies.

    "I had a feeling those might be a hit." he pulled out another box.

    "I haven't had these in so long! I was a Girl Scout for a little while but my parents made me quit." she was unamused by the subject of her parents.

    "I bet you were a cute Girl Scout." Ravi's face immediately turned red as he regretted what he said.

    "I don't know about that." Kenzie giggled at both his words and his reaction.

    "Uh... Anyways..." he said as he started to sweat.

    "What movie are we watching?" Kenzie asked to change the subject. She could tell that he was getting uncomfortable.

    "I'm good with whatever really."

    "Come on. You pick. My brain is fried right now."

    "Umm... What do you think about White House Down?"

    "I've actually never seen it. I'm sure my brother wouldn't be too happy about me watching it without him, but oh well." she laughed, still eating the cookies.

    "Oh... We can watch something else then." he said. The mention of her brother made him flustered.

    "Are you scared of Buck?" she raised an eyebrow at his reaction.

    "Me? Scared? Never." Ravi's voice cracked as he spoke, exposing him.

    "Of all the people in the world to be afraid of, and you choose Buck?" she burst out laughing, "The most lovable idiot there is?"

    "He could crush me like a bug!" Ravi rebutted, "Especially if he knew I was hanging out with you."

    "I highly doubt that he cares. I'm a big girl. I can hang out with whoever I want to."

    "Yeah... That's not why I'm worried."

    "Don't worry. I will protect you from the big scary Buck." she chuckled.

    "Ok... It's just..." he sighed, "Nevermind. Let's just watch the movie."

    "Ok...?" she looked confused as she turned on the TV.

    Ravi sat there quietly beating himself up in his head. Fuck. Did I really just say that? This is so embarrassing. How am I even still here? His mind was racing.

    That was strange... Like, really strange. Something is going on with him, but what? I just can't figure it out. She tried to keep her attention on the movie but her thoughts kept wandering.

    Why is my heart beating so loud? Wait... Can she hear it? Oh my god. Can she hear it? No. Ravi. Calm down. She can't hear it. You're fine. Just be cool, dammit.

    He's so tense right now. I can feel it just by looking at him. He's got to stop bottling stuff up, but then again I'm not going to force him to talk about it.

    That's it. She hates me. God, why am I like this? He clenched his fists and looked down.

    "Hey, are you ok?" Kenzie asked, noticing his clenched fists and the tenseness in his body.

    "Hm?" he looked over and snapped out of his thoughts, "Uh, yeah. I'm fine." No, idiot. You're not fine. Tell her.

    "You know, it's not healthy to keep things bottled up." she paused the movie, "Trust me. I know."

    "I just don't want to screw things up, ok?"

    "Screw what up? There's nothing to screw up?" she looked at him confused.

    "If I tell you what I'm thinking, I'm worried it will ruin our friendship." he started to fidget with his hands.

    "Listen, I'm not going to pressure you. If you don't want to tell me, fine. I'm not going to force you to do something you don't want to do. But I highly doubt there's much you can say that will ruin our friendship."

    "I like you." Ravi blurted out. He quickly scrambled to his feet, "I... I should go."

    She sat there in shock for a moment before finally reacting, "Ravi, wait!" She stood up, but it was too late. He was already out the door. He stopped in the hallway, not sure whether or not he should turn back around. She stood by the door, debating on whether or not she should chase after him, all the while trying to process what had just happened.

    "Kenz?" he said softly from outside the door, hoping that maybe she would hear him. She didn't. He slowly turned around and slumped down the hallway, kicking a rock that someone had tracked in with their shoe.

    "I like you too." she mumbled with her forehead pressed against the door.

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