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This story is roughly based off of the accounts of a role play group that I am in. There will be multiple original characters, of which I will be giving bios of below!

While there are some instances in this story that do take place in the show, most of these storylines are fabricated for the story and do not belong to FOX or 9-1-1.

Original Character Bios:

Makenzie Grace Buckley (Kenzie):
AGE : 27
BIRTHDAY : May 25, 1996
SEXUALITY : Unlabeled
HOMETOWN : Hershey, PA
OCCUPATION : Dispatcher


Sister to Maddie and Evan Buckley. Also born a savior baby for Daniel but wasn't a match like Buck. Her parents basically ignored her growing up due to their pain of losing Daniel. Buck was her support at home until he left. They still kept in contact while he was traveling and they're still really close. She is close with Maddie but not as close as with Buck since Maddie wasn't around very much.

She made her way to LA after hearing about Buck's accident with the ladder truck. She grew very close to the team (except Ravi since he wasn't there when she first came down) while in LA and decided to stay.

Kenzie can be wary of trusting people because of the way her parents treated her growing up. She always wants to help people and make sure everyone else is ok over herself,probably left over trauma from her parents blaming her for Daniel's death.

She's a very caring and sweet person but can also hold her own. She's scared of disappointing the people she cares about. When she loves, she loves hard.

Liam Carter:
AGE : 27
BIRTHDAY : January 24, 1996
SEXUALITY : Straight
HOMETOWN : Hershey, PA
OCCUPATION : Model, Firefighter


He moved from Hershey, Pennsylvania to LA for a model job, but once there decided he could get used to the warmer weather and eye-candy.

He applied to the fire academy after seeing how much the women around him swooned over firefighters. He made it through without any real difficulty seeing as he was already in shape due to his modeling career, and put in the request to join the 118 after noticing the reputation they had.

He still models on the side, using the rest of his free time to find someone hot to spend the night with.
He's a very charming guy, and he knows just how to use that to get what he wants.

Sophia Collins (Nash):
AGE : 26
BIRTHDAY : June 25, 1997
OCCUPATION : Resident Doctor


Daughter to Bobby Nash and Amy Collins. One night stand that resulted in her being brought into the world. She was raised by her mother and the ever revolving door of boyfriends, yet she never knew her father.

It was just recently, after her mother passed away and she was looking through old belongings that she learned his name, and quickly recognized the name from the papers.

She has just finished medical school and matched her residency to a hospital in LA, which is how and why she found her way here.

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