Chapter 4

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The next day, everyone had gone out on a call, except for Ravi. It was his turn to be man behind to keep the station in check while the rest of the team was out. He was walking through the gym when he heard footsteps. "Hello?" Ravi called out as he saw the beautiful female headed towards the staircase.

"Oh! Hi!" she smiled, turning towards him. She walked towards him and waved.

"Hi." Ravi immediately recognized her voice. It was her. He waved back as he approached her, "Can I help you?"

"Uh... Yeah... I was looking for Evan Buckley?" she looked up to the loft, "However, he doesn't appear to be here, does he?"

"No. Unfortunately everyone is out on a call... But, if you give me your name I could let him know you were looking for him?" his heart was racing at this point.

"I'm Kenzie." she smiled from ear to ear, "And you are?"

"Ravi Panikkar." he held out his hand to shake hers. Panikkar. Her heart stopped. It was him. Without thinking, Ravi leaned onto the cart next to him, forgetting that it was on wheels. Thankfully, he caught himself before falling over.

"Oh my god! Are you ok?" Kenzie asked, trying to hold back her laughter.

"Ye... Yeah. I'm fine." he tried to play it cool, but without a doubt he was beyond embarrassed, "I'm good."

"Ok." she giggled, "Anyways... I have to get going to work... Could you text me when he gets back?"

"Uh... Yeah. I can do that." Ravi said, digging in his pocket for his phone. He handed it to her and she put in her number with the contact 'Kenz🦋'.

"Cool. Maybe I'll see you later?" her eyes glistened as she asked.

"Yeah. Definitely." he smiled. He watched as she made her way out of the fire station. Woah. That really just happened.

Ravi worked on cleaning up in the kitchen until the team arrived back at the station. Once the truck and ambulance were backed into the building, the team made their way upstairs. "How'd it go, probie? Save any lives?" Buck chuckled as he walked up the stairs.

"I didn't, but someone did come in looking for you." Ravi said, putting the dishes into the dishwasher.

"Oh yeah? Who?" Buck asked.

"Kenzie?" Ravi closed the dishwasher and walked over.

"What's the dork want now?" Buck laughed, Ravi didn't see the humor in it so he shot Buck a questioning look, "Calm down, probie. She's my little sister." Ravi's heart sank to his stomach. Buck's little sister? He got himself together enough to send her a text.

📲Kenz🦋: Hey, they just got back.

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