Getting to know Emz_X3

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Hey there, guys! I know It's been a while but what truly matters right now is that I've got another interview ready for you! In this chapter, we'll be meeting Emz_X3, the fabulous writer of Izzy and the Bad Boy and Hope Bright and the Seven Boys.

HasiVA: Hey, Emz_X3! Let's start off with a little introduction, shall we?

Emz_X3: Okie Dokie! >w< I’m Eema, got two more months to officially become fifteen and I’ve got a thing for fashion (style & design), reading, writing, and baking.

HasiVA: So, how's Wattpad been treating you so far? Is it turning out to be a truly fun ride?

Emz_X3: It’s been great, honestly. I mean, I’d always have to log in and enjoy my free time. If I don’t have spare time, though, I’d try my best to make some for Wattpad. It’s just that great. :D

 HasiVA: What is it about Rick Riordan's writing that drew you in?

Emz_X3: His style and the way he introduces humor so well they’re somehow attractive... I’ve read books, a lot of them, but I still couldn’t get myself to prefer any other writing style other than his. It’s just... different XD

HasiVA: Since you consider yourself "weird", share with us a "weird" moment you've had.

Emz_X3: *Cheshire cat’s grin on* Well, I’m not sure about that. I’ve always heard people refer to me as the “weirdo” but then I’ve automatically accepted it sooo... I’m honestly not sure... Does the time when everyone was freaking out in class right after the Physics Midterm and then I yelled/sang “Hii~~!!” out of the blue and to no one in particular which ultimately made everyone shut up and give me those weird looks count? *shrug* I had to shut them up. I wanted to speak to the person beside me and I couldn’t even hear myself :P

 HasiVA: How's your "obsession" with fashion designing & baking going?

Emz_X3: Oh, the baking! My very first cake ended up great four days ago! >w< Everyone wanted more when they normally just run away after I offer them a piece (I honestly don’t blame them :P). >w< About the fashion designing, though... Well, I’ve got a lot of ideas concerning new designs and all but I just don’t have much time to sit there and draw. I’m barely doing well with my writing. TT^TT

HasiVA: Where did you get your inspiration to write your ongoing two stories?

Emz_X3: Hope Bright and the Seven Boys thankfully turned out to be a great idea derived from the Disney movie Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. I've also always wanted to write a story involving a child and since I love cliche, romance thrillers I just thought that adding this to a bad boy scenario would be just the touch my Izzy and the Bad Boy needed to be written down.

HasiVA: If you had to choose 3 letters from all the 26 letters in the alphabet, what would they be and why?

Emz_X3: Uhmmm... J, A and R? You know, all combined gives you JAR and what do you know? Might actually be a jar of chocolate chip cookies! >w<

HasiVA: How has real life contributed to your writing?

Emz_X3: Honestly? Nothing much. It’s just that, in real life I read and when reading I gain more vocab and more knowledge which helps improve my writing and enhance my style & structure. :))

HasiVA: What can fans expect in the future?

Emz_X3: I’m not sure about a knew story but just some promising chapters of Izzy and the Bad Boy, I suppose. :D

HasiVA: Any inspirational last words for all the Wattpaders out there?

Emz_X3: *nod* :D I may not be the best in giving advice about writing and all but I’d like to say: Watch out. Everything you all do... it’s just not sufficient...*shrug* :))

HasiVA: Thank you, Emx_X3! I hope you had as much fun as I did doing this interview!

So, that brings our interview with Emz_X3 to an end! Keep checking out We R Wattpad to find out more about all the stars hanging out at our favourite site!  

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