Getting to know HasiVA (1-Year Anniversary Special)

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Hey everyone! This is a special interview firooz decided we could use a change for once. So now the interviewer is firooz and she will be interviewing me. So this is how this Anniversary Special starts:

firooz: Oi, y'know your interview thingy? Can I interview you for it? Cuz that'd be cool xD

HasiVA: So you interview me? That would be AWESOME!!! Of course, you can!!!

firooz: Cool! So what kinda questions do I ask? How does it work? 

HasiVA: Well, you ask me stuff that you think Wattpaders out there would like to know about and then just carry on. Just PM me the questions! I usually ask a maximum of 10. I'll let you have as many as you want! XD

firooz: Hmmmmm OK! First question: what motivated you to write? 

HasiVA: I have absolutely no idea! I have been reading since forever and those awesome authors like Enid Blyton and J.K. Rowling made me write my own stories. Writing stories was motivated by my own reading. My poetry-writing was motivated by all the poems we studied in English at school. My favourite poets are Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Thomas Hardy, John Clare and Edna St. Vincent. In short, I guess my experiences and life motivated me!

firooz: That's cool! Inspiration comes easy for you, which is really good! Uh, why do you write fanfics? 

HasiVA: Because you motivated me to, silly! If you hadn't done what you did, Dragon's Blood wouldn't be here! What keeps me going are all those amazing kickass movies, epic fanfiction, and badass TVD! =P

firooz: Awww I feel honored! I meant why you write fanfics instead of real stories! 

HasiVA: I've written many originals. I just haven't posted them on Wattpad. Anyway, my original multi-chaptered stories end up incomplete since I lose interest really quick. That's also why I write original short stories; there's certainty of completion! Alien Sanctuary is one of my only completed originals and I wrote that when I was 9. I am hoping to write an original called The Seven Sisters Saga but, as always, I'm losing motivation. 

Dragon's Blood is easier to write 'cause I have the end planned out. I only have to worry about the content but that's no biggie 'cause of the never-ending inspiration!

firooz:  I see, but I'm sure your fans would love to read your originals! And, being the idiot I am, I forgot to say this, tell me about yourself! 

HasiVA: LOL! That really cracked me up, girl!! :)) 

Well, I am a total bibliophile with a totally random tastes for books. Right now I'm reading a really old farming autobiography! Also, I am obsessed with Naruto, TVD and Supernatural. My most important priority in my life is my family. I am a fan of SasuSaku, NaruHina, ShikaIno, Stelena, Delena, and I love Dean & Sam Winchester. I love trying out new things online, so currently I have a blog and am a member in many sites. 

firooz: Stelena and Delena? Gurlll Damon and Elena forever, forget Stefan!!!!! You sound cool xD Hmmmm sooooooo tell me advice for other writers and stuff! 

HasiVA: Aw! I find it super-hard to choose! They are both so awesome! I sound cool? Woah! Awesome! XD

Advice? Hmmm... I'm hardly a person to give advice but what I would say is write, write and write. Hardly original, I know. But that's what I do, which is a bit obvious. Everyone here in Wattpad are here coz they love to write. If you love to read, you can write too. No biggie! Oh, and if you have a dream, stop dreaming about it and make it happen, people!

firooz: IDK why, I just hate Stefan! Probably cuz he lost control and stuff xD Cha you are! 

Lol nice advice! That's actually good advice cuz after writing for a while you just get better and better! 

Hmmmmmmm out of all the Naruto characters, why write about Itachi? And where did the idea of the dragons come from? (BTW it was very original ;D)

HasiVA: He's a good guy though. Love his hair! XD


I was obsessed with SasuSaku initially, but then Itachi fics like "Crow's Feathers" and "Destined For Disaster" started kindling an interest in Itachi. I've always liked Itachi from the very first moment I saw him and the fics were just a spark to urge me in the direction of an Itachi fanfic. Then I started reading "Eldest" (I've already read "Eragon" some time back) and I started dreaming of this character, who ultimately ended up as Tora in "Dragon's Blood". Dragons came up 'cause I just love the majestic, fire-breathing creatures. Childhood obsession. 

firooz: Lol his hair?

AHHH that makes sense! Well it's very unique! Your description is awesome! XD OK, so what can we expect from your fanfic, poems, and short stories? 

HasiVA: His hair is so... Stefan!

Thnx! Dragon's Blood is gonna take an action-packed turn as the chapters progress. Ink On Paper will be uploaded with my weird poems. You've Got Mail will be updated with more wacky emails. A Demon's Lexicon oneshot will be put up in Imaginarium.

firooz: IKR!?!?! But me likes Damon's better ;3 

Oooh, can't wait! I'm not sure how many questions I asked, but I'll keep going! What's it like being an editor ;D

HasiVA: Damon is so hawt!!! Love him!!!  

Being an editor? The perks are I get to read and co-write my favourite fan fiction. A good day of editing can make me feel amazing. Sometimes work packs up and I feel bad for leaving the chapter unedited for a while or I just push through even when I don't feel like it, but it feels like a summer job, and we don't have those in SL. It's good to experience what editors must be doing worldwide. I owe you a lot for allowing me to be your editor!  

firooz:  Ahhhhh now u have regained your senses! He is! 2 bad he's oldish.....*sigh*   

Awww I feel happy ;3 You owe me? Oh please! I owe you BIG time! If it weren't for you my writing wouldn't be very readable xD I tried editing this chap once, went over it three times but someone said it needed a lot of editing :((((   

OK, I counted and so far I used 8 questions! 2 more! So you've been on here for a while. You have 72 (I think?) fans and many votes. How do you feel about that?   

HasiVA: Lol! I totally agree!


I feel loved! Lol! Actually, it's good to know people love my work. I have criticism and positive comments. I love the feedback and I feel so happy whenever I get a fan. I try to keep the fans satisfied but it gets hard at times. Also, thanks so much for fanning and voting and commenting. Couldn't have done it without you guys!  

firooz: Hehe you r loved! The posting mail thing was very unique and creative! For those people who aren't lucky enough to get it forwarded to them like I am (;p) it must be great to read!    OK, last question! What do you like more, writing or reading? And why? Lol this is a tuffy!   

HasiVA: Thnx! I loved it too! One of the best ideas I've got so far!   Reading, I guess. Unlike reading, writing requires more effort. Like all human beings, I prefer the easier one, but I love writing too. Especially when I get a new idea for a plot. Reading is much more effortless and fuels my imagination. There's nothing I like more than new ideas to ponder on!  

firooz: Good answer xD   

Cool, interviewing is fun ;D   

HasiVA: IKR?!?   

So we hope you guys had fun reading that interview because we sure had fun doing it!   

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