Getting to know AricaelMalone

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I'm back and this time it's AricaelMalone here for an interview!

HasiVA: Hi AricaelMalone! How about we start with a little bit about yourself?

AricaelMalone: Greetings, fans and haters alike. I am V.E. Graham, author of three novels, half a dozen poems, four short stories, and dozens of unfinished and in progress works of writing.

HasiVA: What inspired you to start writing?

AricaelMalone: Sometimes I wish I had a great emotional start to my writing "career", but the truth is, it all started with an obsession with The Pirates of the Caribbean. I was a huge fan and when I came across the site FanFiction, I was determined to write my own spin on the pirate tale. From the very first chapter, I was hooked.

HasiVA: Do you have your own writing spot? If so, what's it like?

AricaelMalone: I usually write on my bed, late at night, when the house is quiet and there is no risk to be interrupted. I’ve always been able to concentrate better at night, so I find that I get a lot more (and better) writing done then.

HasiVA: How did you get to know about Wattpad?

AricaelMalone: The first writing website I used was FanFiction, however I wasn’t super happy with the way it was setup. I found it annoying to have to sign in every time I wanted to get to my account and it wasn’t super user-friendly. I decided to look around for something a little cleaner and simpler to use and I came across Wattpad during an Internet search. It was exactly what I was looking for, and now I barely ever use FanFiction.

HasiVA: Do you get people's opinion on your writing before you post them or edit it until you're satisfied with it?

AricaelMalone: No, neither. Actually, I don’t edit at all before posting chapters usually. I usually take things a bit slower and do a basic edit as I write so that when I’m finished with a chapter, I can post it immediately. Of course, I do go back when I’m finished a novel and slowly edit my way through it. As for people’s opinion, I don’t know many people IRL who are as invested in writing as I am, so there isn’t really anyone to get an opinion from. I usually get all my feedback from my readers and a few select friends who I keep up with on Wattpad. But other than that, I’m pretty much my only critic. When I do a re-write or a major edit, I sometimes use the site Critique Circle to get more in-depth criticism.

HasiVA: How has Wattpad helped you in your writer's journey?

AricaelMalone: Wattpad has been a fantastic motivator. Knowing that I have readers waiting for updates gives me a real push to get some writing done. Wattpad has also given me a place to feel accepted and appreciated for all the time and work I put into my stories. As I mentioned before, I’m not really surrounded by people who are as interested in writing/reading/books as I am, so there is little critique or interest in my home life. Being a part of Wattpad gives me a place to really nurture my passion for writing.

HasiVA: Have you ever got any flames? If so, how do you handle them?

AricaelMalone: I’ve never received any flames for my writing. The usual comment is pretty helpful and uplifting. The only flames I’ve received have been directed to my beliefs and my views. When I receive them, I usually ask a lot of questions to make sure I completely understand the person’s point of view before defending myself. Unfortunately, all of these encounters have been pointless attacks, so I usually just ignore it when it becomes obvious that the sender is simply trying to attack and not to learn or understand.

HasiVA: Tell us about your latest story idea.

AricaelMalone: My latest story idea is a large-scale high fantasy series focused around a large cast of characters whose problems are based around their kingdom having three heirs each of whom have problems: the first doesn’t want to be king, the second is a mentally unstable illegitimate son, and the third is a weakling with an overbearing mother. I’m in the process of outlining the story and it has become an intricate web of subplots and familial connections.

HasiVA: Are there any stories on Wattpad you'd like to recommend?

AricaelMalone: My all time favorite Wattpad story is Two Cats, by ironkite. It is an amazingly written fantasy involving corruption, secrets, and thefts, all the while being intertwined with well-paced action and classy comedy. Definitely one to check out.

HasiVA: How about a few words of advice for the readers?

AricaelMalone: Be vocal! Your comments, reads and votes have such influence over writers. Many times, a kindly worded comment has made my day and votes always make me smile. Your public support is often what motivates me to keep writing. Show your enjoyment for a story!

HasiVA: And that's it for this chapter's interview! Thank you so much for the wonderful interview AricaelMalone!

I'll be back with an interview later, guys!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2014 ⏰

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