Getting to know cherryblossom666

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Hey, guys! Long time no see! But I am glad to say I have an all new interview for today! It's cherryblossom666 today! She is the author of My Life In the Naruto World, A Slave To An Emo and many more.

HasiVA:  Hey cherryblossom666! Let's hear an introduction, shall we?

cherryblossom666:  Well, my name is Candace Lynn Miller but my friends call me Cherry because of my red hair I have. I love anime, it's my life. I'm 18, and I'm a 12 grader in high school. I love to write and draw, sometimes sing too. I like to act. I also RP as myself with different anime show. I lost my mother this year in April, so it's been hard on me too. That's why those poems are for her.

HasiVA: OMG! My most heartfelt condolences, Cherry! I totally understand how you feel 'cause I lost my own father quite recently. So far, what are your favourite anime?

cherryblossom666: My favourite anime? Oh wow, that's hard to say, cause I love all anime shows. Well, the the anime I love mostly has to be Naruto, D.Gray-man, InuYasha, One Piece, and Black Butler.

HasiVA: That's a good list! What do you enjoy most about writing?

cherryblossom666: What I enjoy about writing is how I can put myself in the story. I imagine myself in the Naruto world and write about it. It's pretty cool that way, lol

HasiVA: If you could bring an anime/manga character to life, who would it be? Why?

cherryblossom666: If I could bring an anime character to life I would either pick Gaara from Naruto, or Sebastian from Black Butler. Why I pick Gaara is cause I love him. I know how he feels when he is mistreated when he was little. I would treat him like any other person, with love and kindness. For Sebastian, I like him. He is hot, sexy, cute, plus a devil/demon. He is awesome.

HasiVA: Ohhh, another Gaara fan! Will there be more Naruto movie fics to look forward to?

cherryblossom666: Yes there will be more Naruto movie fics. I'm still have trouble with the first Naruto movie, but the second and third one will come up later in 2012. I don't know if I'm going to do the Naruto Shippuden movies or not yet.

HasiVA: I'm sure your fans will find that interesting! What inspired your username?

cherryblossom666: My user name, well my nickname is Cherry, and I love the cherry blossom in Japan and Washington D.C. And the number 666 the devil's number. I like that number. And I use my OC as cherry blossom in some of my RPs and stories.

HasiVA: In your opinion, what gives a story its awesomeness?

cherryblossom666: What gives my stories it's awesomeness? Well, I would have to be I put myself in the story. I look at the book or watch the show and see what I could help with it. It's a lot of fun, because in the Naruto Shippuden oh man that is going to be really fun. Lol

HasiVA:  What do you think is better? The traditional way of writing with pen and paper, or the modern way of writing with a computer? Why so?

cherryblossom666:  Well, I think both are good ways, but I like to write on the computer. Because I know where I make all my mistakes and put pictures and videos with the stories.

HasiVA:  How about a secret that you've never told anyone?

cherryblossom666:  A secret, hm. Let me see here. Oh I don't mind saying this one. When I'm alone in my room I RP out different anime, LOL. I put myself in the anime like my stories but I don't do all the fighting. I pretend that I'm here then over there. It's really fun. I have another. I've never told anyone this. But every night, I want an anime dream. :D

HasiVA: That's interesting! So any words for all those awesome people reading this interview?

cherryblossom666:  Yes, I want to thank them. They have helped me write my stories. Even my fan/friends at school that love them. Love you guys!

Well, guys! That's our interview for today! Thanks, cherryblossom666 for being such a wonderful interviewee! Until next time, good bye and keep reading!

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