Getting to know ByeByeLove

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Hey everyone!! Today our interviewee is ByeByeLove, the author of Five Years Later and Never Have I Ever.

HasiVA:  Hey ByeByeLove! You are a bit new in Wattpad, so would you like to give us an introduction on yourself?

ByeByeLove:   Hey, my name is Julia. I love reading, writing, listening to music, having fun and pretty much doing anything.

HasiVA: You joined Wattpad on July 27, 2011. How has it been so far?

ByeByeLove: So far Wattpad has been amazing. I 'moved' from Quizilla which I'm sure most people know is a nightmare site. I really like Wattpad because everyone is so much more interactive and finding stuff on here is a lot easier.

HasiVA: You are a Harry Potter fan. What do you find so amazing about the series?

ByeByeLove: Amazing about Harry Potter? Well first I grew up with it, it was a constant fixture in my entire life pretty much. Second it's got an excellent plot line, it was never about falling in love and living happily ever after, it was all about fighting against the impossible. J.K. Rowling was never afraid to kill people off or put the three of them in danger; it was all about what they could accomplish. And although my brother pointed out to me the movies and books are nothing alike, like I’m blind or something, I still love them because on their own they are great movies.

HasiVA: I have read your two stories and I can say they are Undiscovered Gems. What is your inspiration to write your current two works?

ByeByeLove: Well pretty much the inspiration for all my stories is just me being bored, which probably sounds really bad. I love to think and daydream and I pretty much daydream all of my stories. Five Years Later came out of the blue when I was trying to fall asleep one night and I had to write it down, I don’t know why, but I loved the concept of the webcam videos. Never Have I Ever strangely enough came when I was watching Howl's Moving Castle with my boyfriend. It was definitely out of the blue too, one minute I was watching the movie, next I was typing away on my computer.

HasiVA: How did you end up writing? Have you always wanted to be a writer?

ByeByeLove: Well I think I was fifteen, I was trying to go to sleep and started telling myself a story. It was about a vampire and blah blah, I'm sure it'll end up on here, but regardless I stayed up all night writing it, literally until seven in the morning and I pretty much just wrote whatever has come into my head since then. I've always entertained the idea of becoming a professional author, but it's almost impossible to get published, especially if you have no money.

HasiVA: So far you have only wrote short stories. Are you gonna write poetry as well?

ByeByeLove: Um, I have written some poetry, I've never really written like meaningful poetry, just little stuff, but I don't really think it's my thing.

HasiVA: What do you think about writing? How does writing make you feel?

ByeByeLove: Well I personally love writing, I feel like it’s a good way to express yourself. Most people write to express themselves anyway and I think that of all the mediums, writing is probably the only thing I can do right.

HasiVA: Is there anything you like to do more than writing?

ByeByeLove: More than writing? Possibly only reading, I love reading, I could constantly read for the rest of my life. I used to get in trouble in algebra for reading, not only that but when I read I’m totally engrossed in my book, more often than not my boyfriend has to repeat himself if I’m reading.

HasiVA: Five Years Later is already a completed story, but Never Have I Ever is still an ongoing series. What kind of future do you see for Never Have I Ever?

ByeByeLove: Well every other story I’ve written I’ve always had a plan to make it kind of long, not like fifty chapters but at least thirty. With Never Have I Ever I decided as soon as I started writing it that it would be short. Five Years Later always had the potential to be an actual story, in fact it still does, but with NHIE I’ve known from the beginning that it was a short story.

HasiVA: Anything you would like to tell all those writers out there?

ByeByeLove: Well let me think, writing is an incredibly fun thing to do. It is something that not everyone can do so if you can do it, by all means keep writing, after being on Quizilla for like five years I’ve noticed that most of the good stories get left behind, don’t let that happen, if you have a good story, please get it out there. Everyone should be appreciated accordingly for their talents.

HasiVA: Thanks for the great interview, ByeByeLove!

Okay, readers! Stay tuned for the next interview in We R Wattpad.

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