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The Ouran Host Club was something formed by my cousin Tamaki. He took different types of people and made a host out of them: the 'princely type', the 'cool type', the 'Lolita type', the 'strong and silent type', the 'little devil types' and the 'natural type'.

People think that I'm jealous of Tamaki; I can see it in their eyes. I tell myself that I'm not, cause it's true. Why in the freaking world would I be jealous of my filthy rich cousin, who started his own club on his own? I guess that is something to be jealous of, yet I'm actually proud of him. He's come a long way since we've met, but I haven't; my life is standing still.

I'm the kind of person who doesn't care if he's alone or not. I don't have any friends; no one talks to me and I don't talk to them. My brother, Matt, lives across town with our dad. He also works so it's hard to see him. Yes, our parents are divorced and I live with our mom, but she's always typing up articles on the computer; hoping at least one of them would be good enough to be in the papers.

After school, I always seem to find myself going on a bus to Ouran academy. Tamaki and his six friends, despite how weird they are, are so nice to me. They're almost like the family I never had.

One day, like always, I decided to go to my cousin's school. I went up to the abandoned music room that the club always meets in, but found that no one was in there. I was so confused. The host club met every day after school, so why would they not be in the room?

I decided to go home but instead found myself going to the schools rose garden. There I found Tamaki talking to a boy that looks younger than him.

"I'm sorry, but I can't accept this request," Tamaki told the boy.

"What! Do you have a death wish or something?" The boy replied.

"No not really, but my family is more important than your reckless acts."

"Stop calling them that! They aren't your family and they aren't your responsibility! Just die already!"

With that last remark, the boy ran away and bumped his shoulder into mine. Tamaki finally noticed me and gasped.

"TK, hi. Um, what are you doing here?" He nervously asked me, but I could tell what he was thinking: 'how much did he hear?'

I looked behind me; the boy was gone, then I looked back at Tamaki. He was shaking. What did that guy want from Tamaki? Why does he want my cousin dead? Who is he?

Man, I just really want to yell at him right now. Say, 'who the heck was that? What's wrong with you? What have you gotten yourself into? Stop being an idiot and think for once!' but I didn't, instead-

"TK I'm so sorry, but please just hear me out!" He pleaded.

"No," I replied, "I don't want to hear your crap. Besides, it's not my business. I promise I won't tell anyone what happened here today."

I turned around and started to walk away, but then thought of one more thing to say.

"But if I find that you have gotten yourself in trouble, then I will include everyone on what I heard today." Then I started to walk away again.

I walked all the way until I got home. Yes, I live far from the school but I needed time to clear my thoughts.

The Bubbly Host Club (Scrapped And Being Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now