Chapter 7 the New Kid at School

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We couldn't go to the store house yesterday because we got lost, so we decided to just go back today when Tamaki could show us the way.

As I was walking to my first hour class I made a plan to finish my school work so I could hang out with Jake right after school.

"That's a great plan." I said to myself walking in my English class.

I sat down in my seat in the back of the room and pulled out my supplies.

"Hiya." I heard from the seat next to me.

"Hi." I answered back still trying to look for my supplies.

Its weird how someone said hi to me, I mean no one even bothers to talk to me. I'm not exactly the conversion kind of guy except, of course, if I'm with Jake.

Then it hit me, I knew I recognized that voice, but it can't be. Is it really..........."Jake?" I said turning my head from my bag, looking straight into his eyes.

"Hi." Jake answered with a piece sign.

I opened my mouth wide, I was to speechless to say anything. Then I fell backwards out of my chair.

"Ouch." I said rubbing my head, then added, "So, what are you doing here Jake?"

"Oh! I'm going to school here now." He said excitedly.

"Wait, I thought that you go to school in France."

"I do, but I'm on break, plus I wanted to help you find the other host club members."

"Oh, well thank you."

Jake nods then gasps like he just remembered something and digs through his shoulder pack. He then gives me his class schedule. I look, and he has all the same classes as me!

"Jake!" I said worried.

"Don't worry, my mom took care of it. Besides she wanted me to be happy so she requested for me to have all the same classes as you. Do you like it?"

"Sure." I told him with a smile.

Then the teacher called Jake to go to the front of the class room to introduce himself. I hadn't even realized that class had even started yet.


Lunch came around and Jake and I sat at my regular spot: on the floor by the trash cans. We pulled out our box lunches and started eating.

When I looked at Jake he had some fancy fish sprinkled with barley, stacked on asparagus and avocado and it all was on the fanciest plate I have ever seen.

"Is that all your eating?" I asked, it was the only thing Jake pulled out of his lunch box.

"Yeah," he answered, "I usually don't have a big appetite."

I nodded and pulled out my box lunch. I had salmon, shrimp, and different assortments of fruits and vegetables. I also found chocolate covered pocky sticks in the bottom of my lunch. I sigh and shake my head.

"Hey Jake do you.........what the! Why are you eating with a fork?"

Jake finished his bite and said, "What? It's what us French people eat with."

"Oh OK well any way have you ever had pocky sticks? There really good." I said, holding the box out to him.

He took the box and started to read the ingredients. Then said, "No thanks maybe another time."

"OK." I said getting up.

I walked to the table a few feet in front of us and put the box next to a girl's tray. I saw that it was empty, so when she noticed me I pointed to it. She then nodes and I took the tray to the trash can and dumped the trash into the can and put the tray away.

I sat down and started eating my food but then she came over to me and crouched down. Even though I had my eyes closed I could tell that she was beautiful, I mean she always is.

"Hey TK, thanks for always giving me your pocky sticks when you have them, so who is your friend?"

Like always I ignored her, so she just sighed. I heard a chair pull out then footsteps.

"Kari, don't talk to these freaks, besides TK never says anything he doesn't react to anything either." A guy's voice said, it must be Davis, the president of the student council.

"Yeah but they still have feelings." Kari said, the vice president of the student council.

They walked away but I didn't care. I never care, besides Davis and Kari are both right. I never say anything or even react to things, but I do have feelings, too.

"So, who were they?" Jake asked.

"Davis, the president of the student council and Kari," I smiled a little at her name, "Kari is the vice president of the student council."

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